GroceriStar / showcase

Simple page with Grocery List cards
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 5 forks source link
groceristar mauerwerk react

Showcase is a project where we trying to incorporate two major tasks:

  1. show to a new users a collection of grocery lists - before they sign up - they want to explore the data that we have
  2. figure out the way about making GL downloable by generating a simple PDF file

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While we're coding it - we also extending the code base of GS, by testing fetch plugin, by moving away basic components, like lists, grocerylist component, etc...

Major goals for showcase is -

Stretch goals:

Showcase have search by Title Modals with layouts Connection to fetch Can be quickly replaced with "fake api" 1) create a separated view for Grid 2) separated layout for modal render 3) we can make our component this way, so we can update into Material UI 4) Print template of Recipes

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.