Grohiik / Meddelandesystem

Gruppuppgift trådar och datakomunication
MIT License
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This program is intended to work similar to how MSN did and is developed as a group project for a university course.

To get started with development please head over to Development section to setup your environments.


Please read through this before writing anything to the codebase. The project uses maven as build system and it is IDE agnostic. This means that you can use your favorite IDE or Editor.

To format the code and to run the code you'll need to follow the guide below.

Using IntelliJ

For IntelliJ you'll need to open the pom.xml file in this project and it'll prompt you if you want to open it as project or not. Choose Open as Project.

Code Style

Getting clang-format

For Windows the clang-format can be found at, head over to the latest download link, scroll down to Pre-Built Binaries and download the Windows one.

NOTE (Windows Install): When installing make sure you select Add LLVM to the system PATH for .... This makes sure that you can type clang-format in your terminal.

For the macOS you can use brew to install and Linux it is best to use your package manager.

NOTE: When formatting make sure you don't put extra newline before opening brace. clang-format will always keep at least one newline. Example down below is only the illustration on what not to do when formatting with clang-format. This is not how the style should look like.

void hello()

{} // BAD
void hello()
{} // OK


You can format your code in the terminal with this command

clang-format -i <filepath>


To use clang-format with IntelliJ, there are two ways. One is to use this extension ClangFormat. This will add the option in Code → Reformat Code with clang-format, you'll be using this option instead of the regular Reformat Code.

The second one is the set up External Tools. This guide can be followed down below in IntelliJ External Tools.

NOTE (Windows): If the extension doesn't format your code you can go to File → Settings... → Tools → clang-format. In the clang-format binary you can try adding clang-format.exe instead. If it doesn't work you can specify the PATH that points to where LLVM/bin is in your system. If this doesn't fix your problem then you can follow the guide below on how to set up External Tools.

NOTE IntelliJ: If the extension doesn't work you can set up an External Tool that runs the clang-format for formatting the code.

External Tools

To create a tool you can

  1. Go to File → Settings... → Tools → External Tools.
  2. Add a new tool by pressing the plus icon.
  3. Give it a name such as clang-format.
  4. In Program: field you can take the whole path to where clang-format executable is on your system. If your environment variable is already set you can just input clang-format.
  5. In Arguments: you need to input these values -i $FilePath$.
  6. In Working directory: you need $FileDir$

Now when you want to format your code you can go to Tools → External Tools → clang-format and it'll run the clang-format command for you and reformat the file you're currently looking at.

Project Structure

├─ src
│  ├─ main
│  │  └─ java
│  │     ├─ client
│  │     │  ├─ boundary
│  │     │  ├─ control
│  │     │  ├─ entity
│  │     │  └─
│  │     ├─ server
│  │     │  ├─ control
│  │     │  ├─ entity
│  │     │  └─
│  │     └─ shared
│  │        └─ entity
│  │           └─
│  └─ test
│     └─ java
├─ .clang-format
├─ .gitignore
├─ pom.xml

How to run

Using IntelliJ

On IntelliJ you can go one of the mains and press start.

Using Maven

You can compile the code with this command

mvn compile

This will generate the the class files in target/classes directory. You can use these class files to run the main method.

Start the server

java -cp target/classes server.StartServer

Start the client

java -cp target/classes client.StartClient

Generate JavaDoc

The javadoc can be generate in the following way. The output directory should be in docs/apidocs. The apidocs is ignored in the repo.

Using maven

Use this command to generate the javadoc

mvn javadoc:javadoc

This will created an html page in the docs/apidocs.

Using Intellij

Go to → Tools → Generate JavaDoc...

A Window will pop up, select Whole project and set Output directory to docs/apidocs and press OK. Javadoc will generate html docs for you.

Production Builds

This section covers how to generated the server and client jar for distribution and usage.

Using Maven

On maven you can run this command to generate the jar files.

mvn package

Two jar files will be generated, one for the client and one for the server.

Using IntelliJ

Open this project in IntelliJ, there should be a tab on the right side that has an icon with letter "M" and name under that says "Maven". Open it up and you'll see the project name, expand it and you'll see Lifecycle and Plugins. Expand the Lifecycle and use the command package. This will generate the jar files in the target directory.