GroupProject2-Kelompok4 / BE

Immersive Dashboard : RESTful API for immersive student data management application at Alterra Academy.
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šŸ“‘ About the Project

Immersive Dashboard App

This RESTful API was developed by using Golang and written based on Clean Architecture principles.

šŸ›  Tools

GitHub Visual Studio Code MySQL Go JWT Swagger Postman

Google Cloud Google Cloud Storage Docker Ubuntu

GitHub Discord

Entity Relational Diagram

Open API

Simply click here to see the details of endpoints we have agreed with our FE team.

Users | Method | Endpoint | Params |q-Params | JWT Token | Function | | ----------- | ------------------- | ----------- |--------------------| ----------- | --------------------------------------- | | POST | /login | - |- | NO | Login to the system | | POST | /register | - |- | YES | Register a new user | | PUT | /users | user_id |- | YES | Update user profile by admin | | DELETE | /users | user_id |- | YES | Deactive user profile by admin | | GET | /users | - |- | YES | List users | | GET | /users | user_id |- | YES | Show user profile | | PUT | /users | - |- | YES | Update user profile |
Classes | Method | Endpoint | Params | JWT Token | Function | | ----------- | ------------------- | ----------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- | | POST | /classes | - | YES | Register new class | | GET | /classes | - | YES | Get list class | | GET | /classes | class_id | YES | Get class | | PUT | /classes | class_id | YES | Edit class | | DELETE | /classes | class_id | YES | Delete book |
Mentees | Method | Endpoint | Params | JWT Token | Function | | ----------- | ------------------- | --------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- | | POST | /mentees | - | YES | Register new mentee | | GET | /mentees | - | YES | List Mentees | | GET | /mentees | mentee_id | YES | Mentee Profile include its Feedbacks | | PUT | /mentees | mentee_id | YES | Update Mentee Profile | | DELETE | /mentees | mentee_id | YES | Deactive Mentee Profile | | DELETE | /mentees | mentee_id/feedbacks | YES | Mentee Profile include its Feedbacks |
Feedbacks | Method | Endpoint | Params | JWT Token | Function | | ----------- | ------------------- | ----------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- | | POST | /feedbacks | - | YES | Register feedback for mentees | | PUT | /feedbacks | feedback_id | YES | Update selected feedback for mentees | | DELETE | /feedbacks | feedback_id | YES | Unregister spesif feedback |

How to Run Locally

$ git clone
$ cd BE

Specific Documentation


Created by Group 4 Ā©ļø 2023