Growberry / growberry_pi

This is a local program that will run on a raspberry pi for reading/recording inputs, and controlling outputs.
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Here is where I will work on code for my raspberry pi controlled growth chamber

This is a collaborative project, and feedback is ALWAYS welcome


sudo raspi-config

Change the timezone. Without proper time setting, your pi won't know when to turn the lights on and off.
Enable camera, enable ssh (I think this happens by default now.)

sudo apt-get install vim
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install supervisor
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Enable 1-wire temp sensors:

Add to bottom of the config file - the <pin#> for my device is 20

sudo echo "dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=<pin#>"  >> /boot/config.txt

You can check that this worked by rebooting the pi, and navigating to /sys/bus/w1/devices There should exist a directory for every w1 therm device connected. You can check the temps by cat ./*/w1_slave

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd growberry_pi/
cp supervisor_config.txt /etc/supervisor/supervisor.conf

Make logging into the pi via ssh cooler: (not required)

move message of the day to /etc/ to give custom ssh login welcome message

sudo cp motd /etc/

Make a virtual environment to keep the system python safe

# old
virtualenv venv

# new
python3 venv growberry_pi/venv

activate the virtual-env

source /home/pi/growberry_pi/venv/bin/activate

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone the Adafruit respositories to interface with the 16x2 LCD

git clone
cd Adafruit_Python_charLCD/
sudo python install

Clone the Adafruit respositories to interface with the DNT22 temperature/humidity sensor

git clone
cd Adafruit_Python_DHT/
sudo python install

Edit your config file to represent your hardware situation

vi growberry_pi/growberry/

Notes about getting supervisor to work... This is tricky sometimes.

this works for now (dec 2016) the file is made according to the docs: but add the [your program name] section: [program:growberry_pi] command = python /home/pi/growberry_pi/growberry directory = /home/pi/growberry_pi/ user = pi logfile=/var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log redirect_stderr = True
environment = PRODUCTION=1 pay special attention to the log file. It must be in a supervisor log location. make the correct path exist: mkdir /var/log/supervisor/ make sure the owner of the log files match that of the <user=> section of the conf file sudo chown youuser:youuser -R /var/log/supervisor/ modify permissions on supervisord.conf section under [unix_http_server] chmod = 0766 (the default is 0700) once changed, do a sudo reboot to make the changes take effect enter supervisorctl, and start the process: sudo supervisorctl reread update

Reboot the pi. Supervisor should start the growberry process

sudo apt reboot