GrowthcraftCE / Growthcraft-1.7

Community Edition of Gwafu's Growthcraft Mod
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General discussion and miscellaneous ideas #1

Closed Sunconure11 closed 8 years ago

Sunconure11 commented 9 years ago

Feel free to add more:

Rum Vodka Tequila Pulque Absinthe Various new forms of wine and beer (Being worked on) New strains of hops and grapes A distillery Bamboo ladders Bamboo rope ladders Giant barrels Wormwood Blue Agave Maguey Agave Gristmills Revive the kitchen module Bottling machine Brandy Cognac Apple jack Apple cider Grape juice (technically already in though) Whiskey More ore dictionary support Upland Rice Better bees ( and Deepwater rice Ingame documentation Villagers smashing grapes with their feet Bamboo tiki torch Villages made of bamboo Minetweaker support Wild Rice Meat hooks Chayote Squash Various forms of squash that grow along the ground, possibly maybe watermelon and pumpkins could be made to grow like this too. Fruit cocktails (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) Moonshine Agave Syrup (Sugar Alternative) Desert module Prickly pears Cherry module Nectar (golden apples in fruit press) Cordial Whiskey Colonche Bees spread flowers from other mods Corn Ayahuasca Magic vines Marine module Wax, Honey, Grub (?) and Honeycomb blocks Sushi Brewing Keg ( Bamboo fences connect to blocks (Done) Grape Soda ( Upgradable Fish Traps

Sunconure11 commented 9 years ago

Added sushi and various block suggestions.

Sunconure11 commented 9 years ago

I also added a bit more to the tubers concept page.

dandudek7 commented 9 years ago

How about a revival of the Flowers module?

Ar97x commented 9 years ago

@IceDragon200 I think we'll need to change some things on the structures, people reported that they aren't spawning with support (foundation) and I've made some improvements to the Apiary. @alatyami could these improvements be on the next public release?

Ar97x commented 9 years ago

@EnderCreeper15 I haven't played with it, when I started to use GC the flowers module was already outdated.

IceDragon200 commented 9 years ago

@Ar97x: What exactly is this support foundation you speak of, I think can allocate some time to fix it.

Ar97x commented 9 years ago

Structures generated on unlevelled locations get totally screwed, what we need is to make it spawn on top of a base, out of cobble or grass. If you want to know better, the report is on the comments of the CE thread

Ar97x commented 9 years ago

I think 10 or 15 blocks of height are enough

-------- Mensagem Original -------- De:Corey Powell Enviado em:Fri, 28 Aug 2015 17:16:29 -0400 Para:"alatyami/Growthcraft-1.7" Cc:Ar97x Assunto:Re: [Growthcraft-1.7] Ideas suggested so far (#1)

@Ar97x: What exactly is this support foundation you speak of, I think can allocate some time to fix it.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

IceDragon200 commented 9 years ago

@Ar97x I saw the screenshot with the Bamboo Yard, I'm thinking of clearing the entire block/box with air first, placing a layer of dirt below the structure and then placing the structure on that, that way, nothing is in the building's bounding box. WDYT?

Ar97x commented 9 years ago

Do you think it'll work, even on uneven terrain? Maybe you can add some condition to it spawn on surface level, or just on plain terrain, that the schematic fits? Em 29/08/2015 09:49, "Corey Powell" escreveu:

@Ar97x I saw the screenshot with the Bamboo Yard, I'm thinking of clearing the entire block/box with air first, placing a layer of dirt below the structure and then placing the structure on that, that way, nothing is in the building's bounding box. WDYT?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Ar97x commented 9 years ago

Btw, don't mind working with the Apiary, I'll change that schematic soon, I'm working on a new model, since most people didn't like it.

IceDragon200 commented 9 years ago

@Ar97x Only extensive testing will say otherwise, I could look how vanilla does it (though I've seen houses tower over villages with 20 blocks of gravel in height as padding)

As for the Apiary, make it more vanilla village like I guess?

Ar97x commented 9 years ago

Yeah, me and people on forum have several ideas to improve it. I forgot to suggest you to look on the villages behaviour on irregular terrains, the structure made by Gwafu works just like the regular village buildings.

Sunconure11 commented 9 years ago

The still will be created soon. However, I will be getting a new motherboard and cpu soon, so, I am holding off doing anything like that for now. Deinocheirus is put on hold until the maker of that mod finishes his port to 1.8.

Sunconure11 commented 9 years ago

Computer is back. I will make the distillery over the weekend, due to the fact I have some stuff to do, such as schoolwork, and I have to continue updating my modpack.

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Added the brewing keg suggestion.

IceDragon200 commented 8 years ago

Desert module idea: I just realized, we don't have cactus juice! Cactus Juice

Silly Avatar references aside, yes we could have cactus juice, this also gives me a reason to mess with the fruit press API, to allow different byproducts, currently EVERYTHING PRODUCES BONEMEAL (I can't even...), would be nice to get other byproducts from pressing...

In short, putting some Cactus in a Fruit Press should produce Cactus Juice and possibly cactus green instead of bonemeal. This could open the door for other byproducts as well (rose red from apples, magenta/purple from grapes)

Also @Sunconure11 could you organize the suggested ideas into (Blocks/Machine, Liquids/Liquor, Modules so forth)

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

I'll see to it within the next few days. This list is long though.

Ar97x commented 8 years ago

Just to add, a guy from the forum is keeping a Wikia page of the mod, any thoughts of what should we do?

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

I don't know yet. Possibly redirect him to fill out the wiki here?

Alatyami commented 8 years ago

His wiki will allow us to fill it out like the FTB wiki, which since only the old 1.5 version is included in a FTB Modpack I'm thinking we could go with the one he has, just have to make sure that it is for long term.

spannerman79 commented 8 years ago

@Ar97x what is the link to this third party wiki? As some may or may not know a wiki can be created here in this project.

Many mod dev's use their own domain and hosting or use the location they store their code (github, gitlab etc) for wiki and so forth

Ar97x commented 8 years ago

We already have a wiki here on github, check alatyami's fork. The link for the new wiki:

Ar97x commented 8 years ago

Request from forum: "hey can i make a request can u make bamboo walls connet to blocks and glass planes b/c i dont like the the whole holes in my walls". You decide about it. Also, what will be the major feature for 2.4.x? The Still, Nether Module or Yeast?

IceDragon200 commented 8 years ago

@Ar97x Well, Yeast is already in development, so that's a 2.4.x feature, the nether module is on hold, and the Still doesn't exist (no pun intended)

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

I need to deal with some crap going on with a friend, so, I don't think I can do much (let's just say she needs... serious mental help). I'll make the texture for the ghost whenever possible. I'll try and just generate colors for fluids for now.

IceDragon200 commented 8 years ago


Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Updated the page to include that.

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Does anyone have any ideas for growthcraft tundra, for when/if that is dealt with? I cannot think of many crops for that, if any at all.

IceDragon200 commented 8 years ago

@Sunconure11 Fur Clothing?

I'd like to wear one of those big fluffy fur caps

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Fur items of some kind were thought of, but, I cannot think of many unique uses for it. Though fur would be nice.

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

While neither the isopod or boar (well, the boar might) fit in any current concepts for modules, I was wondering if it might be possible to make these in the mod:

Look in the comments for the isopod.

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Since me and pitch had a brief discussion on how we might all be overwhelming the coders, why not some smaller, simple ideas? Watermelon wine? (fermented from watermelons)

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Still working with dairy a bit, but, I need a better list of materials for future tools.

Anyone got anything? This is my current list:

Vanilla materials, plus thaumium, voidsteel, manasteel, steel, silver, copper, bronze, electrum, ivory (if that makes it into snow), certus quartz, ender amethyst, ruby, sapphire, peridot, (list other mod materials here)

This is for mod support mainly

Ar97x commented 8 years ago

Shiny (Platinum) Ferrous (Nickel) Lead Tin Invar Dark Steel Unstable Ingot Osmium

Those are all that I can remember

Ar97x commented 8 years ago

"Hey, could you possibly make Fishtraps upgradable with a magic fishing rod? Even if they consume the rods' durability when they catch things, it'd still make the traps a lot more fun and interactive." -Quote from Lord Eric.

HanatakeYurii commented 8 years ago


I hope I will not throw a rock in a pool but I would have suggested lambics for the "Various new forms" of beers. Lambics are produced by spontaneous fermentation (no yeasts are added in, they're exposed to wild yeasts and bacterias). They can be found in various kinds including for the most-known kriek lambic (refermented with sour cherries) and gueuze (blending young (1-year-old) and old (2- to 3-year-old) lambics, which is then bottled for a second fermentation). They're common beers in Belgium and are of a really different taste than conventionnal beers.

I think it would not be so hard to add them since major fermenting mechanics already exist, and would add some variety with the use of other fruits like cherries.

Thanks for considering this ... and for your great work as well ^^

(PS: my second idea was to add fruit alcohols like sirups, and possibly make cocktails of them, but it's way more hazy in my mind)

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

I think we can probably handle fruit alcohol in a future module. Maybe a small cherry tree module for what you are describing? What do you say, @IceDragon200 @PitchBright @Alatyami @Ar97x

Plus we could finally do the cultivar system to an extent with a cherry tree module.

Ar97x commented 8 years ago

I don't know half of you guys do about booze, but I like the fruit alcohol idea, giving the fruit presser more uses. And I got an idea for what Hanatake suggested. As he said that lambics are fermented by nature course, I think it could be out of the fermentation barrel step, and be fermented by placing the liquid into a 2x2 hole, requiring 4 buckets to get it started. The stages could be monitored by the colour of the drink (and Waila), or something else we can figure out together.

PitchBright commented 8 years ago

What exactly does "Community Edition" mean anyway?

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Community Edition refers to the fact that this is a continuation done by several people, who have continued Gwafu's work in his or her absence.

PitchBright commented 8 years ago

Would be great if we had more people helping. I think we should make a new rule:

1) Each member of the community is allowed to submit one idea 2) Each member of the community is not allowed to submit a second idea, until they have either executed their first idea, or found somebody to execute it the code/art.

I feel like you guys spend more time day-dreaming and spit-balling ideas, rather than actually contributing to the "community edition". It makes for extra noise and headache for the two or three people who are actually actively working on stuff. I honestly don't think we need to "chef by committee" this puppy. What makes it worse is that 90% of the stuff being thrown out as "cool ideas" are total departures from Gwafu was creating. I don't know how many times/ways I have to say that.

I think another good rule would be… if you refer to it by its Latin name… then it shouldn't be in GrowthCraft.

Look at that first post? Who the fock is gonna make all that stuff? Let's get real here. All we're doing is making a giant list of stuff that makes this mod (and the work to be done on it by the few who are doing it) feel like a Mountain.

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

This thread was created with the sole purpose of collecting as many ideas mentioned by players as possible. This is one of the oldest pages on here, and there is indeed a good chance little of this would be executed. I added all of this based on ideas from the thread and such at the time.

Also, your idea for how players should commit stuff sounds like a bad idea, though we do need more coders.

I did try to get some minor legwork done for these ideas though.

PitchBright commented 8 years ago

@Sunconure11 , please make a Wiki list of all the boozes that were submitted in this whole convo (not the stuff that you can't put in your mouth and swallow like Bamboo Ladders. Booze only.)

Then close this up.

The Brew Kettle is fully configurable, it's extremely powerful and if anybody wants to make some obscure booze… they're more than welcome to. All they need to do is code it up and supply the art.

PitchBright commented 8 years ago

Then change the title to "General Discussion and Random Ideas"

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

I'll try the stuff that won't require a distillery. I have not made the model for that as I cannot find a suitable design, some are shoddy, some are too big or too industrial, I need a design to fit in with Growthcraft.

Sunconure11 commented 8 years ago

Im going to toss out a script here tomorrow with as much of the booze this has mentioned. It will be a modified config file, but, think of it as these ideas being executed without the dev needing to code it.

After that, I'll close this. These scripts might require a few mods though. Witchery (absinthe), and at least something with most major fruits come to mind.