Gruntfuggly / auto-snippet

A vscode extension to automatically insert a predefined snippet when a file is created, or an empty file is opened.
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[Feature Request] Add support to scoped snippets in .vscode #17

Closed RodrigoTomeES closed 2 years ago

RodrigoTomeES commented 2 years ago


It would be awesome if this extension can be detect snippets from .vscode. This snippets has the extension .code-snippets.

Now it throws this error: Snippet doesn't found

I also add my configuration in case it was my mistake. Thank you for your work!

My .vscode configuration

  "autoSnippet.snippets": [
    { "pattern": "**/components/**/index.ts", "snippet": "functional-component" }

My Snippet in .vscode/story.code-snippets

  "index": {
    "prefix": ["i"],
    "description": "Create a index with the component and the type.",
    "scope": "javascript, typescript",
    "body": [
      "import { ${RELATIVE_FILEPATH/.*\\/(.*)\\/.*/${1:/pascalcase}/} } from './${RELATIVE_FILEPATH/.*\\/(.*)\\/.*/${1:/pascalcase}/}';",
      "export type { Type${RELATIVE_FILEPATH/.*\\/(.*)\\/.*/${1:/pascalcase}/}Props } from './types';",
      "export default ${RELATIVE_FILEPATH/.*\\/(.*)\\/.*/${1:/pascalcase}/};",
RodrigoTomeES commented 2 years ago

Now it seems that it works without having touched anything, maybe it was necessary to restart vscode. Sorry.