Gruntfuggly / auto-snippet

A vscode extension to automatically insert a predefined snippet when a file is created, or an empty file is opened.
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Auto Snippet

This extension automatically inserts a predefined snippet when a file is created, or an empty file is opened.

This allows templates for classes etc. to be inserted with all the benefits of placeholders and regular expressions, etc.


There is one configuration setting which maps filename globs (or language IDs) to snippet names. For example, to match a typescript filename in any folder, use one of the following:

You can also specify an array of commands to execute after inserting the snippet. Note: The commands are not executed synchronously. If no snippet is configured, the commands are still run.


autoSnippet.snippets: [
    { "pattern": "**/ut-*.cpp", "snippet": "ut-template" },
    { "pattern": "**/*.h", "snippet": "header-template" },
    { "pattern": "**/*.cpp", "snippet": "body-template" },
    { "language": "javascript", "snippet": "template", "commands":[ "editor.action.commentLine" ] }

Note: The patterns are matched in order of definition. The first one that matches will be used.

Use F1, Preferences: Configure User Snippets to configure your snippets. For more information on configuration snippets, see here.

Output Channel

There is also an output channel which can be enabled via the settings. This can be used to check pattern matches, etc.


You can install the latest version of the extension via the Visual Studio Marketplace here.

Source Code

The source code is available on GitHub here.


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