Gruntfuggly / auto-snippet

A vscode extension to automatically insert a predefined snippet when a file is created, or an empty file is opened.
14 stars 1 forks source link

Update to the documentation #5

Closed ArturoDent closed 3 years ago

ArturoDent commented 4 years ago

Current readme:

autoSnippet.snippets: [
    { "pattern": "**/ut-*.cpp", "snippet": "ut-template",  // missing closing brace
    { "pattern": "**/*.h", "snippet": "header-template" },
    { "pattern": "**/*.cpp", "snippet": "body-template",  // missing closing brace
    { "language": "javascript", "snippet": "template", "commands":[ "editor.action.commentLine" ] }

should be:

"autoSnippet.snippets": [
    { "pattern": "**/ut-*.cpp", "snippet": "ut-template"  },
    { "pattern": "**/*.h", "snippet": "header-template"  },
    { "pattern": "**/*.cpp", "snippet": "body-template" },
    { "language": "javascript", "snippet": "template", "commands":[ "editor.action.commentLine" ]  }
Virgilio-AI commented 3 years ago

man, do you know if this extension still works on vscode? I've been trying to make it work

Gruntfuggly commented 3 years ago

I still use it. What problem are you seeing? Is there anything shown in the output channel?

Gruntfuggly commented 3 years ago

Documentation fixed - thanks!