Gscorreia89 / chemometrics-tutorials

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permutation_test from ChemometricsPLS doesn't work #1

Open al-bonin opened 2 years ago

al-bonin commented 2 years ago


thank you for the tutorials. Can you please help me with the permutation_test? I always get this error:

` File "/var/folders/q4/g502v5zj32x0gmls_36j_9280000gn/T/ipykernel_55912/", line 5, in permt = pls.permutation_test(X, Y, 100)

File "/Users/user/chemometrics-tutorials-master/pyChemometrics/", line 951, in permutation_test raise exp

File "/Users/user/chemometrics-tutorials-master/pyChemometrics/", line 947, in permutation_test pvals['R2Y_Test'] = (len(np.where(permuted_R2Y_test >= obs_r2y)) + 1) / (nperms + 1)

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (100,) (7,) `

Gscorreia89 commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your interest. I will need a few more details to debug and find out whats wrong. Would it be possible to send an example script and some test data to replicate the issue to Any data with similar structure (number of columns/rows) in X and Y or with same number of columns but less rows in case its too large.