Gscorreia89 / chemometrics-tutorials

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Chemometric data analysis tutorials


This repository contains a series of tutorials on multivariate analysis of metabolic profiling datasets:

To run these tutorials download the contents of this repository and run the Jupyter Notebooks. Alternatively, these can be run on the browser via Binder, by clicking on the sticker above (subject to load on the Binder servers).

All the data required to run these notebooks is provided on the 'data' folder. The dataset used in this tutorial comes from the following publication:

It is a set of 139 proton high-resolution magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy (1H HR-MAS NMR) spectra from C. elegans nematodes. There are two main biological sources of variation in the dataset:

Installation instructions:

To run these tutorials, first download and install the latest Anaconda Python 3.x distribution available. The following packages also need to be installed:

All other dependencies required to run the tutorials (pyChemometrics toolbox) are bundled with the repository, and no specific installation is required.

For more information on how to use Jupyter notebooks see Using the Jupyter notebook