GuacamoleResearch / ft-staging

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Automation test repository before code is integrated into fasttrack repository


All reminders are defined in a template file stored in the repo (markdown)

Questions for the team

Process Overview

  1. TRIAGE (No status on the project board)
    • Trigger: Request is opened, filled out by AM/CSM/CSA/SE/TSAM, automatically labeled Triage and assigned to FastTrack Ops (dmckinstry) via the ISSUE_TEMPLATE
    • Workflow moves the issue onto the project (no status), sets the FollowDate to tomorrow, and appends the checklist to the description
    • Requester and FastTrack Ops iterate on preapproval process (outside of any automation)
    • FastTrack Ops presents to customer and documents the results
  2. REJECTED (Closed)
    • Trigger: FastTrack Ops issues a "/REJECT" command; this can be at any time during the entire engagement process but will typically be before or during the FastTrack Kickoff call (first call) with the customer
    • Issue is removed from the project board and closed
    • @mention is appended to the issue discussion via automation notifying the person who opened the request and @dmckinstry (e.g., ":point_up: @someone @dmckinstry - This request has been rejected per tha above comments. Please let us know if you believe this was a mistake.")
  3. APPROVED (1-Approved)
    • Trigger: FastTrack Ops approves via the "/APPROVE" command
    • Workflow removes the Triage label and moves the issue to the 1-Approved status in the project board
      • @tspascoal :point_right: I do not anticipate the need to auto-assign as part of the approval process. It is possible that we will know the right assignee but that usually follows looking at the schedule. And if we do know, I am concerned about too much clutter for the DevOps Architect before things settle... Your thoughts?
  4. SCHEDULED (2-Scheduled)
    • Trigger: FastTrack Ops formats the title into standard format including dates, assignsthe DevOps Architect(s) and manually moves to the 2-Scheduled status on the project board
  5. DELIVERING (3-Delivering)
    • Trigger: Workflow moves the request into the 3-Delivering column the morning of the start date.



A scheduled workfow will scan through all open requests every morning and append/notify participants when there are exceptions or follow-up needed.


The state of the issue can be done either via commands or tags (preferably commands)


Should we have a triage command????


TODO: the appending of tasks should be done only when approved (cons: the tasks are not visible in rollups for non approved FTs) or after it has been created? (or triaged)

Schedule events

End date is reached (NOT calculated)

This date is not calculated, so we need to add it to the fields (or is it the follow up field?)

Every day a cron action will scan for issues in the state delivering or done and if the end date has been reached it will send a reminder to whom the issue is assigned to with actions that need to be performed:

If state is delivering should we move it to done automatically?

Issue has not been closed in X days reminder

If the issue has not been closed after X days of the end date (X being configurable) then send a reminder to the person(s) whose issue is assigned to.

Should we send just one reminder or one every Y days?


Define how reminders are sent:

Dave's thoughts based on FY22: FastTrack process automation:

1 - Request is made per template, labeled as Triage and assigned to dmckinstry 2 - After discussion, dmckinstry "/approve" the issue

Exception nudges...