Closed KnownOriginator closed 2 years ago
You must enable hidden folders in Windows to show .pio folder.
But where is the .pio folder in the first place? I have hidden folders enabled already.
Yes to the root folder. And don't use Auto Build Marlin plugin to compile firmware.
What root folder where? I've never done this kind of thing before.
Just that folder within the zip file I downloaded here? I know you said not to use the auto marlin thing but if I do use it, when I get to the step where it's "meant" to fail, it removes almost everything within that folder. Can you link me to a proper tutorial on doing this? It's all very confusing for me.
I'm trying to compile the firmware for my Super Racer specifically to enable linear advance and to use a USB thumb drive in place of a microSD card. I've followed Teaching Tech's youtube guide on using VSCode and the Auto Build Marlin plugin. I've gotten as far as the actual building of the firmware, and I see that I need to place a "MarlinSerial.cpp.o" file in a "\src\HAL\STM32" folder. I however cannot for the life of me find where this folder is. Any help would be much appreciated!