GuizzyQC / sd_api_pictures_tag_injection

Based on @Brawlence's extension
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TL;DR: Lets the bot answer you with a picture!

Stable Diffusion API pictures for TextGen with Tag Injection, v.1.0.0
Based on Brawlence's extension to oobabooga's textgen-webui allowing you to receive pics generated by Automatic1111's SD-WebUI API. Including improvements from ClayShoaf.

This extension greatly improves usability of the sd_api_extension in chat mode, especially for RP scenarios. It allows a character's appearance that has been crafted in Automatic1111's UI to be copied into the character sheet and then inserted dynamically into the SD prompt when the text-generation-webui extension sees the character has been asked to send a picture of itself, allowing the same finely crafted SD tags to be send each time, including LORAs if they were used. It also allows for extra SD tags to be added if the input prompt or the character's response contains strings defined in the translations.json file. Check the examples below for ideas how to use this.


To install, in a command line, navigate to your text-generation-webui folder, then enter the extensions folder and then git clone


Load it in the --chat mode with --extension sd_api_pictures_tag_injection.

The image generation is triggered either:


One needs an available instance of Automatic1111's webui running with an --api flag. Ain't tested with a notebook / cloud hosted one but should be possible.
To run it locally in parallel on the same machine, specify custom --listen-port for either Auto1111's or ooba's webUIs.


The model input is modified only in the interactive mode; other two are unaffected. The output pic description is presented differently for Picture-book / Adventure mode.

Checkpoint file Stable Diffusion tags

If the "Add checkpoint tags in prompt" option is selected, if the checkpoint you loaded matches one in the checkpoints.json file it will add the relevant tags to your prompt. The format for the checkpoints.json file is as follow:


    "pairs": [{
        "name": "toonyou_beta3.safetensors [52768d2bc4]",
        "positive_prompt": "cartoon",
        "negative_prompt": "photograph, realistic"
        {"name": "analogMadness_v50.safetensors [f968fc436a]",
        "positive_prompt": "photorealistic, realistic",
        "negative_prompt": "cartoon, render, anime"

Character sheet Stable Diffusion tags

In immersive mode, to help your character maintain a better fixed image, add positive_sd and negative_sd to your character's json file to have Stable Diffusion tags that define their appearance automatically added to Stable Diffusion prompts whenever the extension detects the character was asked to send a picture of itself, ex:


    "sd_tags_positive": "24 year old, asian, long blond hair, ((twintail)), blue eyes, soft skin, height 5'8, woman, <lora:shojovibe_v11:0.1>",
    "sd_tags_negative": "old, elderly, child, deformed, cross-eyed"


sd_tags_positive: 24 year old, asian, long blond hair, ((twintail)), blue eyes, soft
  skin, height 5'8, woman, <lora:shojovibe_v11:0.1>
sd_tags_negative: old, elderly, child, deformed, cross-eyed

If clothing and accessories are permanently affixed and will never be changed in any picture you will request of that character, feel free to add them to this tag too. The extension prompts the character to describe what it is wearing whenever a picture of itself is requested as to keep that aspect dynamic, so adding it in the character json makes it more static.

A good sample prompt to trigger this is "Send me a picture of you", followed or not by more details about requested action and context.

Description to Stable Diffusion translation

Whenever the Activate SD translations box is checked, the extension will load the translations.json file when a picture is requested, and will check in both the request to the language model, as well as the response of the language model, for specific words listed in the translations.json file and will add words or tags to the Stable Diffusion prompt accordingly, ex:


    "pairs": [{
        "descriptive_word": ["tennis"],
        "SD_positive_translation": "tennis ball, rackets, (net), <lora:povTennisPlaying_lora:0.5>",
        "SD_negative_translation": ""
        {"descriptive_word": ["soccer","football"],
        "SD_positive_translation": "((soccer)), nets",
        "SD_negative_translation": ""

The tags can also include Stable Diffusion LORAs if you have any that are relevant.

Character specific translation patterns

If you have translations that you only want to see added for a specific character (for instance, if a specific character has specific clothes or uniforms or physical characteristics that you only want to see triggered when specific words are used), add the translations_patterns heading in your character's JSON or YAML file. The translations_patterns heading works exactly the same way as the pairs heading does in the translations.json file.


  "translation_patterns": [
      "descriptive_word": [
      "SD_positive_translation": "cute frilly blue tennis uniform, <lora:frills:0.9>",
      "SD_negative_translation": ""
      "descriptive_word": [
      "SD_positive_translation": "blue basketball uniform",
      "SD_negative_translation": "red uniform"


- descriptive_word:
  - tennis
  SD_positive_translation: "cute frilly blue tennis uniform, <lora:frills:0.9>"
  SD_negative_translation: ''
- descriptive_word:
  - basketball
  - bball
  SD_positive_translation: "blue basketball uniform"
  SD_negative_translation: "red uniform"

Note that character specific translation patterns stack with the general translation patterns.

Description Mixer

Under the Description Mixer options you will find the LLM Response Weight, Subject Weight and Initial Prompt weight slider. Adjusting this will change how much weight the SD instance is going to put on each of these elements to your query. At zero, the element is not added at all to the query. A higher weight should increase the correlation between the description element and the image, at the cost of ignoring the injected tags from this extension, and potentially ruining your picture with strong conflicting and confusing requests. A lower weight will leave more of the description to your injected tags, reducing the description to more of a suggestion than a request to the SD instance. While the LLM Response Weight is much of the point of prompting Stable Diffusion through a LLM, lowering its weight or removing it and using more the Subject Weight or the Initial Prompt weight can be useful if you want an image that's built with a similar prompt as that of the description. It could come in handy when illustrating a story for instance. It can also improve results with SD checkpoints that respond poorly to the long descriptive prompts an LLM often responds with.

Advanced tag processing

The advanced tag processing checkbox enables a more complex way of dealing with tags you are injecting to your SD request. In theory, this should help avoid ruining your picture with too many duplicate tags of different weights, as can happen with multiple different sources for tags that can pile up one upon the other.

With advanced tag processing disabled, the only processing that is done is that all EXACT duplicate tags are removed. Tags with the same text but different weights are not counted as duplicates.

With advanced tag processing enabled, tags without parenthesis are given a weight of one. Two tags with a weight of one found become one tag with a weight of 1.1. Two duplicate tags with different weight are calculated with the difference to one from one of the tag being added to the other. If two duplicate LORAs are detected, only the one with the highest weight is kept.

Once enabled, Advanced tag processing allows you to Disable SD LORAs if you so choose. This was mostly added due to the arrival of SDXL, which caused a break in the up-to-then broad compatibility of LORAs and checkpoints.

WARNING: To work properly the advanced tag processing needs very strict formatting on your tags. Two rules in particular have to be respected: make sure all your tags are separated with commas, and make sure that you have no tag with commas inside parentheses. Dynamic tags should still work as long as they respect the rules above, but they will be passed as is as they are not resolved until they reach Auto1111's API.

Persistent settings

Create or modify the settings.json in the text-generation-webui root directory to override the defaults present in, ex:


    "sd_api_pictures_tag_injection-manage_VRAM": 1,
    "sd_api_pictures_tag_injection-save_img": 1,
    "sd_api_pictures_tag_injection-prompt_prefix": "(Masterpiece:1.1), detailed, intricate, colorful, (solo:1.1)",
    "sd_api_pictures_tag_injection-secondary_positive_prompt": "<lora:add_details:1.2>",
    "sd_api_pictures_tag_injection-secondary_negative_prompt": "",
    "sd_api_pictures_tag_injection-sampler_name": "DPM++ 2M Karras"

Will automatically set the Manage VRAM & Keep original images checkboxes and change the texts in Prompt Prefix and Sampler name on load as well as setup the seconday positive and negative prompt (without activating them).