GumusLab / clustergrammer

WebGL Clustergrammer JavaScript Library
MIT License
2 stars 9 forks source link

NPM NPM code style: prettier TypeScript Join the chat at


Clustergrammer, Clustergrammer2, and Clustergrammer-GL are packages originally developed by the Human Immune Monitoring Center and Ma'ayan lab at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

This work is now being continued by Gumus Lab, also at ISMMS, and the code is being updated and maintained so it can be used in genomics project that the Gumus Lab is working on.

The project lead is Kevin Ulrich, who can be contacted here.

The original documentation for Clustergrammer and all its associated projects is located here, though it mainly applies in terms of creating formatted data with Clustergrammer-PY and the desired format for the data for Javascript applications.


Contributions are totally welcome -- there are two ways to contribute:

  1. Find an issue that you want to tackle and comment on it/submit a PR for it.
  2. If you find a bug with Clustergrammer or want to make an enhancement, please write an issue detailing the change and make sure the community is on board, and then submit a PR for the changes.

Setup for Local Development

  1. Make sure you have Node 16+ (ideally use LTS) -- see NVM for Node version management
  2. Clone the code to your local machine
  3. Run yarn to install all required node modules
  4. Run yarn start to build the package locally into the example/example-app folder and watch for changes (will rebuild automatically)
  5. Open a new terminal tab or window, cd example/example-app, run yarn to install all required node modules and then run yarn start to start the local test app
  6. Happy development! Everything should be kept in sync -- it is not quite hot reload though so you will have to refresh the webpage after you make changes to see them reflected.

Let me know if you have any ideas on how to make the Clustergrammer isntances update when the source code updates (right now the sources on the page update fine but it doesn't reflect in the UI)


The original license still applies, and the code is MIT-licensed.