GuoliangLi-HZAU / BatMeth2

BS-seq analysis pipeline
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File Mmul_8.0.1_chroms_w_lambda.fa-GtoA.ind.25 Cannot be opened .... #10

Closed elisabethgoldman closed 4 years ago

elisabethgoldman commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am encountering the error "Mmul_8.0.1_chroms_w_lambda.fa-GtoA.ind.25 Cannot be opened ..." when trying to run batmeth2 align. The Mmul_8.0.1_chroms_w_lambda.fa-GtoA files are present in the indexed reference genome directory, although none have the suffix "ind.25". I've attached a screenshot of the run log with the error. Any help is appreciated!
