BatMeth2 tutotial:
Starting from this version, because the alignment problem needs to be modified for a long time, we replaced the align part written by ourselves with BWA MEM, and added some Python visualization functions. At present, some functions are being added.
1) gcc (v4.8) , gsl library, zlib
2) samtools >= v1.3.1
3) fastp, raw reads as input need
a) Download 1)
b) unzip 1)
c) Change directory into the top directory of b) "BatMeth2/"
d) Type
e) The binary of BatMeth2 will be created in bin/
a) Have a fasta-formatted reference file ready
b) Type "BatMeth2 build_index GENOME.fa
" for WGBS or BatMeth2 build_index rrbs GENOME.fa
for RRBS to make the neccessary pairing data-structure based on FM-index.
c) Run "BatMeth2
" to see information on usage.
Example Data
You can download the test data on
with extraction code: kr32
Example data contain files:
An easy-to-use, auto-run package for DNA methylation analyses
In order to complete the DNA methylation data analysis more conveniently, we packaged all the functions to complete an easy-to-use, auto-run package for DNA methylation analysis. During the execution of BatMeth2 Tool, an html report is generated about statistics of the sample.
The usage is here:
Raw reads:
BatMeth2 pipel --fastp ~/location/to/fastp -1 Raw_reads_1.fq.gz -2 Raw_read_2.fq.gz -g ./batmeth2index/genome.fa -o meth -p 8 --gff ./gene.gff
Or clean reads:
BatMeth2 pipel -1 Clean_reads_1.fq.gz -2 Clean_read_2.fq.gz -g ./batmeth2index/genome.fa -o meth -p 8 --gff ./gene.gff
BatMeth2 [mode][paramaters]
mode: build_index, pipel, align, calmeth, annoation, batDMR
Usage: (must run this step first)
BatMeth2 build_index genomefile.
BatMeth2 build_index rrbs genomefile.
[pipel (Contains: align, calmeth, annoation, methyPlot, mkreport)]
[fastp location]
--fastp fastp program location.
If --fastp is not defined, the input file should be clean data.
[select aligner]
--aligner BatMeth2(default), bwa-meth, bsmap, bismark2, no (exit output_prefix.sam file, no need align again)
[other aligners paramaters]
--go Name of the genome, contaion index build by aligner. (bwa-meth/bismark2)
[main paramaters]
--config [config file]. When we run pipel function in batches datasets,
please fill in the specified configuration file.
And there is a sample file (multirun.onf) in the BatMeth2 directory.
--mp [4] When batch processing data, we set the number of samples to run at a time (-mp, default is 4), and each sample needs six threads (- P parameter) by default.
-o Name of output file prefix
-O Output of result file to specified folder, default output to current folder (./)
[alignment paramaters]
-i Name of input file, if paired-end. please use -1, -2, input files can be separated by commas
-1 Name of input file left end, if single-end. please use -i
-2 Name of input file left end
-g Name of the genome mapped against
-n maximum mismatches allowed due to seq. errors
[calmeth paramaters]
--Qual calculate the methratio while read QulityScore >= Q. default:10
--redup REMOVE_DUP, 0 or 1, default 0
--region Bins for DMR calculate , default 1000bp .
-f for sam format outfile contain methState. [0 or 1], default: 0 (dont output this file).
[calmeth and annoation paramaters]
--coverage >=
--binCover >=
--chromstep Chromosome using an overlapping sliding window of 100000bp at a step of 50000bp. default step: 50000(bp)
[annoation paramaters]
--gtf/--gff/--bed Gtf or gff file / bed file
--distance DNA methylation level distributions in body and
--step Gene body and their flanking sequences using an overlapping sliding window of 5% of the sequence length at a step of 2.5% of the sequence length. So default step: 0.025 (2.5%)
-C <=
[mkreport paramaters]
Make a batmeth2 html report, can see the detail in BatMeth2_Report/ directory.
-o [outprefix]
-h|--help usage
Output file format and details see "".
Output report details see "" .
BatMeth2 has the following main features:
Make sure all index files reside in the same directory.
Built with BatMeth2 build_index Genome.fa
GNU automake v1.11.1, GNU autoconf v2.63, gcc v4.4.7.
Tested on Red Hat 4.4.7-11 Linux
Thank you for your patience.