GuoliangLi-HZAU / BatMeth2

BS-seq analysis pipeline
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batDMR error #24

Open zhangaicen opened 3 years ago

zhangaicen commented 3 years ago

Dear Li, I used batDMR to indentify DMR,with each sample have 3 replicates,my code is: BatMeth2 batDMR -g ~/reference/rice/rice7.fa -o_dm CG_DMC.txt -o_dmr CG_DMR.txt -1 2M-1R_batmethinput.txt 2M-2R-_batmethinput.txt 2M-3R-LDA3002_batmethinput.txt -2 4M-1R_batmethinput.txt 4M-2R_batmethinput.txt 4M-3R-batmethinput.txt -methdiff 0.3 -mindmc 5 -maxdis 1000 -FDR 0.05 -context CG but when Runing differential test, it returned to an error as below: BatMeth2: DMR v1.0 combined file done! Runing differential test ... There is a row withincorrect number of proportions. So what's wrong with it?

JerryYeJunran commented 4 months ago

I also encounter the same issue. It was used to report errors when the C_count > Coverage. But I also encounter bugs which seem unreasonable to me: When I include both my input files (WT and Mutant-namely107) lines 1-276, it works well. But when I input lines 1-277, it outputs an error: There is a row withincorrect number of proportions. [1] line 1-276, works normally

# Two input files: mutant(107) and WT
$ head -276 testbatmeth_3D107X.tsv > test276_batmeth_3D107X.tsv
$ head -276 testbatmeth_3DWTX.tsv > test276_batmeth_3DWTX.tsv
# run batmeth2
$ batDMR -pvalue 1 -FDR 1 -methdiff 0.01 -g path_to_refference/TAIR10_chr_all.fas -o_dm output_path/test276_CHG_batmeth_3DX.dmraw.txt -1 input_path/test/test276_batmeth_3D107X.tsv -2 input_path/test/test276_batmeth_3DWTX.tsv
# work normally
BatMeth2: DMR  v1.0
combined file done!
Runing differential test ...
Adjust p-values.
Printing result.

$ head -277 testbatmeth_3D107X.tsv > test277_batmeth_3D107X.tsv
$ head -277 testbatmeth_3DWTX.tsv > test277_batmeth_3DWTX.tsv
# run batmeth2
$ batDMR -pvalue 1 -FDR 1 -methdiff 0.01 -g path_to_refference/TAIR10_chr_all.fas -o_dm output_path/test277_CHG_batmeth_3DX.dmraw.txt -1 input_path/test/test277_batmeth_3D107X.tsv -2 input_path/test/test277_batmeth_3DWTX.tsv
# error
BatMeth2: DMR  v1.0
combined file done!
Runing differential test ...
There is a row withincorrect number of proportions.

So I take a look what happen in line 277:

$ head -278 testbatmeth_3DWTX.tsv | tail -2 > test_prob277_batmeth_3DWTX.tsv
$ head -278 testbatmeth_3D107X.tsv | tail -2 > test_prob277_batmeth_3D107X.tsv
$ head *prob*
==> test_prob277_batmeth_3D107X.tsv <==
Chr1    267493  +       CHG     2       59
Chr1    269567  +       CHG     4       151
==> test_prob277_batmeth_3DWTX.tsv <==
Chr1    1017623 +       CHG     2       34
Chr1    1042618 +       CHG     10      194

And I think that there's no reason for the error. Could anyone help?