GuoliangLi-HZAU / BatMeth2

BS-seq analysis pipeline
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The issue of downstream methylation of genes in the BathMeth2 software #46

Open Zoey1001 opened 8 months ago

Zoey1001 commented 8 months ago

I found a problem when using your software, which is that when I use the BatMeth2 methyGff function, I cannot obtain the methylation annotation file downstream of the gene,cause i can not find the parameter to generate this . and i want to get the result like this: downstream_chrom downstream_regionStart downstream_strand downstream_context C_count downstream_CT_count downstream_regionID

ex. Chr1 3631 + CG 45 1314 AT1G01010

DNA methylation level distributions in body and -bp flanking sequences. The distance of upstream and downstream. default:2000


Calculate the DNA methylation level of per region.


Calculate the DNA methylation level of per region's upstream [d]k.


Caculate matrix for TSS. [Outfile:]


Caculate matrix for TTS. [Outfile:]


Caculate matrix for TSS. [Outfile:]


Caculate matrix for GENE and flank [d]k. []


Gene body and their flanking sequences using an overlapping sliding window of 2% of the sequence length at a step of 1% of the sequence length. So default step: 0.01 (1%)


Body length to which all regions will be fit. (default: same as -d)


Caculate the density of genes/TEs in chromsome using an overlapping sliding window of 100000bp at a step of 50000bp, must equal "-s" in Split.. default step: 50000(bp)


Print help

But this result is quite important for my analysis. Do you have any corresponding scripts to implement this function? I hope you can reply to my request in your busy schedule. Thank you very much