FontAwesoneConmpose is collection of ready to use Font Awesome free icons for Jetpack Compose.
FontAwesomeExample | ComposeCookBook Bottombar | ComposeCookbook Login Demo |
Add in project build.gradle:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
// App build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Gurupreet:FontAwesomeCompose:1.0.0'
There are mainly 3 types of icons available as below. By default all icons are solid (1000+ Icons) or Brands(450+ Icons). Those which also support Regular(150+ Icons) will end with "Regular" as suffix.
FaIcon composable is responsible for rendering icons. It requires icon passed to it from FaIcons collection.
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.ChartBarRegular)
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.ChartBar)
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Amazon)
It has 3 params with default value as shown below
fun FaIcon(
faIcon: FaIconType,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
size: Dp = 24.dp,
tint: Color = Color.Unspecified
To use different sizes
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Airbnb, size = 24.dp)
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Airbnb, size = 32.dp)
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Airbnb, size = 48.dp)
To provide different colors
Disclaimer: It does not uses Material theme LocalColors by default to support different custom design system. So you have to pass your colors.
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Airbnb, tint = MaterialTheme.colors.primary)
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Airbnb, tint = LocalContentColor.current)
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Airbnb, tint = Color.Blue)
To provide layout positioning, padding, gestures etc pass Modifier
faIcon = FaIcons.Amazon,
modifier = Modifier.semantics { testTag = "Amazon Icon" }
faIcon = FaIcons.Amazon,
modifier = Modifier
.background(Color.Green, shape = CircleShape)
// Usage with icon button for already available backgroud and clickable functionality.
IconButton(onClick = { }, modifier = Modifier.background(MaterialTheme.colors.primary, shape = CircleShape)) {
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Airbnb, tint = MaterialTheme.colors.onPrimary)
Using with TopAppBar or BottomBar in MaterialTheme
title = { Text(text = "Instagram") },
navigationIcon = { FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Instagram, tint = LocalContentColor.current) },
actions = {
IconButton(onClick = { }) {
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.HeartRegular, tint = LocalContentColor.current)
IconButton(onClick = { }) {
FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.FacebookMessenger, tint = LocalContentColor.current)
icon = { FaIcon(faIcon = FaIcons.Home, tint = LocalContentColor.current.copy(alpha = LocalContentAlpha.current))},
selected = true,
onClick = {},