GusZandy / laravel-tabler-bootstrap4

Laravel 5.8 and 6.0 Package for integrating Tabler template with Bootstrap 4
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admin-dashboard boostrap4 laravel-mix laravel-package laravel-package-template tabler tabler-template

Laravel Tabler Bootstrap 4

Laravel 5.8 and 6.0 Package for integrating Tabler template and this package is Laravel Mix friendly. Currently this package can be integrated easily only on fresh installation. For laravel >= 7.0, you can use develop branch.


Before install, you must create the authentication scaffolding manually


composer require guszandy/laravel-tabler-bootstrap4

For laravel >= 7.0, use this:

composer require guszandy/laravel-tabler-bootstrap4:dev-develop

Run this code below to implement the template,

php artisan make:tabler

Let's see what we've installed. First, make sure that you've already ran php artisan migrate command, then do

php artisan serve

Viola! a Laravel site using Tabler is running right now.

Configuration and Views Customization


To publish this package config to your app config, run this code below

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GusZandy\Tabler\Providers\AppServiceProvider" --tag="config"


To publish this package views so you can customize on your own, run this code below

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="GusZandy\Tabler\Providers\AppServiceProvider" --tag="views"

Next Step

First of all, you should understand how to use Laravel Mix and install latest laravel-mix.

Tabler need some package on npm. First you need to run

npm install

Install Tabler needed package from npm

npm install --save-dev bootstrap bootstrap-sass popper.js chart.js d3 font-awesome jquery-circle-progress jvectormap moment requirejs select2 select2-bootstrap-theme selectize sparkline tabler-ui tablesorter bootstrap-datepicker eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker @ttskch/select2-bootstrap4-theme

Run Laravel Mix command

npm run development

or use production minimize output

npm run production

Then have a good look on these files

Happy experimenting!

How to use components in this package

1. Panel

@component('tabler::components.panel', [ 'title' => 'Welcome' ])
      <a href="#" class="card-options-collapse" data-toggle="card-collapse"><i
              class="fe fe-chevron-up"></i></a>
      <a href="#" class="card-options-remove" data-toggle="card-remove"><i class="fe fe-x"></i></a>
  You are logged in!

2. Alert

@component('tabler::components.alert', [ 'type' => 'info' ])
     This is an alert component.

3. Button

@component('tabler::components.button', [ 'type' => 'info', 'url' => '' ])
     This is a button component.

4. Tabs

@component('tabler::components.tabs', [ 'nav_tabs' => 'info' ])
     This is a tab component.