Gustavrohss / EverythingIsWrong

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Everything is Wrong

Everything is Wrong is a multiplayer game. Anyone can host a game, and then anyone can join the game.

Once the game starts, the players will be presented with a set of images and a question ("prompt") to go with them. The players will choose an image as their answer to the prompt. If the player is correct, they get a point. The game goes on for some amount of rounds, and then has one (or several) winners.

The images are fetched from the Imgur API. This is where the title "Everything is Wrong" comes into play. The images fetched are of a certain category, such as images of food, bears or cars. These images are then fed into a Clarifai image recognition model API that is intentionally chosen to not match the image category. If the category of the images is bears, they might be sent to an image recognition model for food. This model might find some partial matches; it could detect some lemon or some coffee in the image of the bear. From these results the question is generated.

The questions might seem arbitrary and somewhat impossible to answer with any sort of accuracy. This is the point of the game. It's not supposed to be a serious multiplayer experience, but rather a fun party-game type of experience.


For the frontend development we're using:

For the backend development we're using:

Uses a third-party generic presentational component: react-list


run the following commands in the root folder:

If you wish to deploy this on your own firebase project: run the following commands in "functions/" folder:

and then run deploy them to firebase.

What we've done

What we planned to do after first user-feedback:

File Structure

This project consists of a lot of files. Since the project was bootstrapped with Create React App, a lot of the files are generated by that package and never touch by us.

Here follows a description of all the directories/files in this project: