GuyHoozdis / dotfiles

My mutha-effin' dotfiles, yo!
MIT License
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Another Dotfiles Repo

Work in-progress:


Organization and Usage

I want to have symbolic links reference files in this repo. Changes that are made on the system should be committed and pushed back up to the repo.

For now; linking, backing up original files, and invoking the provisioning scripts that install a base set of utilities are going to be a manual process. I looked at Dotbot.

This repo tries to imitate the Linux Filesystem Heirarchy Standard to achieve a sensible orgnization. To that end, the repo can be cloned into a directory named ~/.local to achive a layout that should be familiar.

Setting up a new system

On a brand new system:

  1. Create your user
  2. Install Homebrew
  3. Copy or create ssh keys and configure GitHub (if needed)
  4. Clone this repo and ...
    • Run OSX defaults configuration (get a backup first)
    • Run base brew installation scripts
    • Run select application installation scripts
    • Link select configuration files (move originals first)

Updating an existing system

TODO ...

Things that are missing

... a lot, but this is a start.

Check out these references for further brew inspiration