GuyMitchy / hackathon
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Quiz Forge



Quiz forge is designed to be a revision tool in the form of an online quiz. The primary focus is programming questions. However other topics have been considered. Live Project available here.

Image of final MVP product

Image of final MVP product

Target Audience

There is no particular audience targeted for this application, however with Quiz forge being a quiz application with the focus on revision and learning, stating the target audience would be students or those looking learn.

User Stories

Must-Have User Stories

Should-Have User Stories

Could-Have User Stories

Design Decisions

Project Board

To manage the Project and keep track of the required tasks. Agile methodologies were adopted throughout the project by utilising User Stories, a KanBan board and holding stand up / Stand downs.

Image of the project KanBan Board

Image of the project KanBan Board Progress

Mood Board

The team decided to consolidate initial design ideas via a Mood Board was created as a method of brainstorming ideas amongst the team, whilst keeping a record of the thought process.

Image of the teams mood board


Within the initial planning stage of the project, wireframes were created to provide initial layouts and to ensure all members of the team were envisioning the same design and starting point for the web application.

Wireframe image for Desktop view

Wireframe image for Tablet view

Wireframe image for Mobile view

Wireframe image for Multiple answer Questions view

Wireframe image for True or False Questions view

Wireframe image for Type your answer questions view

Accessibility Considerations

Accessibility considerations have been considered throughout the projects creation. Such as colour schemes, colour contrasts, fonts and alt text attributes are set correctly.

Colour Scheme

A dark background with aqua colour scheme was chosen to keep with the retro 90's computer terminal theme.

Image of the colour scheme being used

Colour Contrast Checks

Colour contrast has been consider and the chosen colour scheme has been tested via an online Colour Contrast Checker.

Image of the colour scheme being used


Google fonts were used within the project to enable additional customisation to the application as well adding to the general theme and feel of the application. Source Code Pro, Ubuntu Mono

Image of Ubuntu font used for the project

Image of Source Code font used for the project

Lighthouse Scores

Image of Source Code font used for the project

Features Implementation

Core Features (Must-Haves)

Image of Game Board

Image of Quiz Questions

Advanced Features (Should-Haves)

Image of Multiple Choice question

Image of True or False question

Image of Type your own answer question

Image of JSON format used for storing questions

Optional Features (Could-Haves)

Image of JSON Upload Modal

Game themes selection Image

Game themes selection Image

Game themes selection Image

Game themes selection Image

Game audio Image

Testing and Validation

Testing Results

Testing the application has been an ongoing process throughout the development of the website. With a focus on responsiveness across all standard screen sizes, various edits were made throughout the development process to ensure the application looks and performs well on mobile, tablet and desktop. The team agreed to deploy early to allow to additional live testing encase there were any inconsistencies between the development environment and the live application.

Known Bugs


Validators were used to help address any issues within the projects HTML, CSS and Javascript files. HTML Validator, CSS Validator, [JavaScript Linter]()

HTML Validator Checks

HTML Validator Checks

CSS Validator Checks

JavaScript Linter Checks

JavaScript Linter Checks

JavaScript Linter Checks

JavaScript Linter Checks

JavaScript Linter Checks


Deployment Process

For this project, GitHub pages was the chosen deployment method. A simple and straight forward service provided by github which uses a repo branch as a source for the page to pull from.

Github Pages Deployments image

Development Team

Reflection on Development Process


One of the key successes was creating the retro 90's style computer terminal for the Quiz's game board. The entire team contributed to the structure, layout and theme to achieve this.


After deciding on using a JSON format for the storage of quiz questions, Utilising this format as well as linking and looping through the questions in Javascript proved problematic with Javascript's Arrays.

Final Thoughts

Overall the Quiz Forge project went very well, there were ups and downs as to be expected, Javascript was both kind and hard to tame at the same time. Ensuring the application looks great and responded smoothly and correctly was an ongoing yet enjoyable battle.

The development worked very well together with little to no issues. Stand ups and Downs took place everyday where progress was summarised and a game plan for the next day was formed. Throughout various discussions the entire group was involved in communicating their view, problem, concern or solution.

Code Attribution

Shuffle function is from this Stackoverflow Javascript Shuffle

Future Improvements

With regards to future improvements, generally speaking additional functionality and customisation would be the main areas of focus. For example, extending the quiz's question bank, featuring different topics, additional more challenging questions in the form of puzzles. By utilising JSON as the question storage format, with additional development the user would be given the ability to configure the quiz system to their liking via uploading a custom JSON file to change the content of the quiz.