H3rmt / hyprswitch

A CLI/GUI that allows switching between windows in Hyprland
MIT License
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hyprland wayland


crates.io Docs Tests

A rust CLI/GUI to switch between windows in Hyprland

It can cycle through windows using keyboard shortcuts or/and a GUI.

Windows are sorted by their position on the screen, and can be filtered by class or workspace.

To use the GUI, you need to start the daemon once at the start of Hyprland with exec-once = hyprswitch init & in your config. Subsequent calls to hyprswitch (with the gui, dispatch or close command) will send the command to the daemon which will execute the command and update the GUI.


Table of Contents

Migration to 3.0.0

  1. The complex Config has been removed in favor of a simpler config.
  2. More GUI - CLI options added. (--mod-key / --switch-type / ...)
  3. Removed some cli args. (--do-initial-execute, --stay-open-on-close)

See Wiki for more details

Installation (Hyprland >= 0.42 required)

From Source




Once the binary is installed, you can modify your ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf.

Parameters (see hyprswitch --help / hyprswitch init --help / ... for more detailed info)


(Modify the $... variables to use the keys you prefer)


Simple: Press super + $key(tab) to open the GUI, use mouse to click on window or press 1 / 2 / ... to switch to index

exec-once = hyprswitch init --show-title --size-factor 5.5 --workspaces-per-row 5 &

$key = tab
bind = super, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key super_l --key $key --max-switch-offset 9

Keyboard (reverse = grave / ` ): Press alt + $key(tab) to open the GUI (and switch to next window), hold alt, press $key(tab) repeatedly to switch to the next window, press $reverse(`) to switch backwards, release alt to switch

exec-once = hyprswitch init --show-title &
$key = tab
$reverse = grave

bind = alt, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release --reverse-key=mod=$reverse && hyprswitch dispatch
bind = alt $reverse, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release --reverse-key=mod=$reverse && hyprswitch dispatch -r

# use the if switching to the next window with the opening keypress is unwanted
#bind = alt, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release --reverse-key=mod=$reverse
#bind = alt $reverse, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release --reverse-key=mod=$reverse

Keyboard recent (reverse = grave / ` ): Press alt + $key(tab) to open the GUI (and switch to previously used window), hold alt, press $key(tab) repeatedly to switch to the less and less previously used window, press $reverse(`) to switch to more recent used windows, release alt to switch

exec-once = hyprswitch init --show-title &
$key = tab
$reverse = grave

bind = alt, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release --reverse-key=mod=$reverse --sort-recent && hyprswitch dispatch
bind = alt $reverse, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release --reverse-key=mod=$reverse --sort-recent && hyprswitch dispatch -r

# use the if switching to the next window with the opening keypress is unwanted
#bind = alt, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release --reverse-key=mod=$reverse
#bind = alt $reverse, $key, exec, hyprswitch gui --mod-key alt_l --key $key --close mod-key-release --reverse-key=mod=$reverse

More Examples in Wiki

Theming (--custom-css)

CSS Variables

window {
    --border-color: rgba(90, 90, 110, 0.4);
    --border-color-active: rgba(239, 9, 9, 0.9);
    --bg-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 1);
    --bg-color-hover: rgba(40, 40, 50, 1);
    --index-border-color: rgba(20, 170, 170, 0.7);
    --border-radius: 12px;

Custom CSS Example for 4K screen to override default CSS values:

/* light blue borders for active, more transparent bg and more border-radius */
window {
    --border-color-active: rgba(17, 170, 217, 0.9);
    --bg-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.8);
    --border-radius: 15px;

/* more margin around image for 4K screen */
.client-image {
    margin: 15px;

/* increased index for 4K screen */
.index {
    margin: 10px;
    font-size: 25px;

/* increased font size for 4K screen */
.workspace {
    font-size: 35px;

/* increased font size for 4K screen */
.client {
    font-size: 25px;

See Wiki for more info


Sorting of windows

See tests for more details on how windows get sorted

   1      2  3      4
1  +------+  +------+
2  |  1   |  |  2   |
3  |      |  +------+
4  +------+  +------+
5  +------+  |  4   |
6  |  3   |  |      |
7  +------+  +------+
   1      2  3      4
                  Monitor 1
      Workspace 1           Workspace 2
1  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
2  |  1   |  |  2   |   |  5   |  |  6   |
3  |      |  |      | | |      |  +------+
4  +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+
5  +------+  +------+ | +------+  |  8   |
6  |  3   |  |  4   |   |  7   |  |      |
7  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
   1      2  3      4   1      2  3      4
      1       3    5   6     8   10  11  12
1  |  +-------+                      +---+  |
2  |  |   1   |              +---+   | 5 |  |
3  |  |       |    +---+     | 3 |   |   |  |
4  |  +-------+    | 2 |     +---+   |   |  |
5  |               +---+     +---+   |   |  |
6  |                         | 4 |   |   |  |
7  |    +-------+            +---+   +---+  |
8  |    |   6   |         +----+            |
9  |    |       |         | 7  |            |
10 |    +-------+         +----+            |
        2       4         7    9


                   Monitor 1                                   Monitor 2
       Workspace 0           Workspace 1           Workspace 10          Workspace 11
 1  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
 2  |  1   |  |  2   | | |  5   |  |  6   |  |  |  9   |  |  10  | | |  13  |  |  14  |
 3  |      |  |      | | |      |  +------+  |  |      |  |      | | |      |  +------+
 4  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
 5  +------+  +------+ | +------+  |  8   |  |  +---------+  +---+ | +------+  |  16  |
 6  |  3   |  |  4   | | |  7   |  |      |  |  |   11    |  |12 | | |  15  |  |      |
 7  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +---------+  +---+ | +------+  +------+
    1      2  3      4   1      2  3      4     5      6  7  8   9   5      6  7   8  9
                   Monitor 1                                   Monitor 2
       Workspace 0           Workspace 1           Workspace 10         Workspace 11
 1  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
 2  |  1   |  |  2   | | |  3   |  |  4   |  |  |  9   |  |  10  | | |  11  |  |  12  |
 3  |      |  |      | | |      |  +------+  |  |      |  |      | | |      |  +------+
 4  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
 5  +------+  +------+ | +------+  |  8   |  |  +---------+  +---+ | +------+  |  16  |
 6  |  5   |  |  6   | | |  7   |  |      |  |  |   13    |  |14 | | |  15  |  |      |
 7  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +---------+  +---+ | +------+  +------+
    1      2  3      4   1      2  3      4     5      6  7  8   9   5      6  7   8  9


                   Monitor 1                                   Monitor 2
       Workspace 0           Workspace 1           Workspace 10          Workspace 11
 1  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
 2  |  1   |  |  2   | | |  5   |  |  6   |  |  |  9   |  |  10  | | |  13  |  |  14  |
 3  |      |  |      | | |      |  +------+  |  |      |  |      | | |      |  +------+
 4  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
 5  +------+  +------+ | +------+  |  8   |  |  +---------+  +---+ | +------+  |  16  |
 6  |  3   |  |  4   | | |  7   |  |      |  |  |   11    |  |12 | | |  15  |  |      |
 7  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +---------+  +---+ | +------+  +------+
    1      2  3      4   1      2  3      4     5      6  7  8   9   5      6  7   8  9
                   Monitor 1                                   Monitor 2
       Workspace 0           Workspace 1           Workspace 10          Workspace 11
 1  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
 2  |  1   |  |  2   | | |  9   |  |  10  |  |  |  3   |  |  4   | | |  11  |  |  12  |
 3  |      |  |      | | |      |  +------+  |  |      |  |      | | |      |  +------+
 4  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+
 5  +------+  +------+ | +------+  |  14  |  |  +---------+  +---+ | +------+  |  16  |
 6  |  5   |  |  6   | | |  13  |  |      |  |  |   7     |  | 8 | | |  15  |  |      |
 7  +------+  +------+ | +------+  +------+  |  +---------+  +---+ | +------+  +------+
    1      2  3      4   1      2  3      4     5      6  7  8   9   5      6  7  8   9

Experimental Environment Variables