Virtual Motion Capture runtime for UE4
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Package successfully but EXE crashes when try to run #12

Open caxrlxos opened 1 year ago

caxrlxos commented 1 year ago

Building a blank scene with only a VRM model, just to test packing a standalone EXE file. (VMC4UE works normally in the viewport) The compiling process seems fine, however the exe won't run. Getting the following error message.

Assertion failed: InIndex <= ((int32) 0x7fffffff) [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Serialization\MappedName.h] [Line: 30] 

I try removing the VMC4UE nodes, the placement of a VRM model works fine. I guess this error is related to the VMC4UE plugin, any help would be so much appreciated, thank you.

Additionally, here is the Output Log if it could help clarify my problem.

LogPixelStreaming: Warning: Pixel Streaming audio component will not tick because Pixel Streaming module is not loaded. This is expected on dedicated servers.
LogClass: Warning: IntProperty FAnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEBones::Port is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:VMC4UE File:Include/AnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEBones.h
LogClass: Warning: IntProperty FAnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEMorph::Port is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:VMC4UE File:Include/AnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEMorph.h
LogAutomationTest: Warning: IntProperty FAnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEBones::Port is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:VMC4UE File:Include/AnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEBones.h
LogAutomationTest: Warning: IntProperty FAnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEMorph::Port is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:VMC4UE File:Include/AnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEMorph.h
LogAjaMedia: Error: GPU Direct failed to initialize.
LogAjaMedia: Error: GPU Direct failed to initialize.
LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] d:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins\Experimental\VirtualProductionUtilities\Content\VRTools\SequencerTool.uasset: [Compiler] Load Sequence : Usage of 'Load Sequence' has been deprecated. Please replace or remove it.
LogFeaturePack: Error: Error in Feature pack d:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/FeaturePacks/TP_VirtualRealityBP.upack. Failed to parse manifest: Invalid Json Token. Line: 43 Ch: 4
LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object 'Class None.DestructibleMesh'
LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object 'Class None.Physics'
PackagingResults: Warning: Warning: Plugin 'VRM4U' does not list plugin 'IKRig' as a dependency, but module 'VRM4U' depends on 'IKRig'.
PackagingResults: Warning: Warning: Plugin 'VRM4U' does not list plugin 'IKRig' as a dependency, but module 'VRM4ULoader' depends on 'IKRig'.
PackagingResults: Warning: IntProperty FAnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEBones::Port is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:VMC4UE File:Include/AnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEBones.h
PackagingResults: Warning: IntProperty FAnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEMorph::Port is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:VMC4UE File:Include/AnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEMorph.h
PackagingResults: Warning: IntProperty FAnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEBones::Port is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:VMC4UE File:Include/AnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEBones.h
PackagingResults: Warning: IntProperty FAnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEMorph::Port is not initialized properly even though its struct probably has a custom default constructor. Module:VMC4UE File:Include/AnimNode_ModifyVMC4UEMorph.h
caxrlxos commented 1 year ago

Update: do all the job again in UE4.27 and everything works fine, don't know what the problem is.

MaisieBae commented 1 year ago

I have this same issue, did you figure out a fix?