HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE / connections-automation

Deployment and upgrade automation scripts for HCL Connections 7.0 based on Ansible
Apache License 2.0
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automation connections

HCL Connections and Component Pack Deployment Automation Framework

The goal of the HCL Connections and Component Pack Deployment Automation Framework is to provide a solid foundation that can be readily adapted and customized to suit a customer’s unique Connections deployment requirements. This framework is used by the Connections team for internal deployments and can be used as an accelerator to reduce the overhead of deploying a connections environment.

Connections development is committed to ensuring its ongoing maintenance and periodic updates of this repository, which are typically synchronized with each new CR release. Additionally, we aim to maintain a consistent review schedule for pull requests (PRs) in alignment with these update cycles.

Before you start, please be sure to check out Frequently Asked Questions.

For HCL Connections 8 dependencies this means that:

For HCL Connections 8 itself it means:

For Component Pack for HCL Connections 8 it means:


To learn more about how to install Ansible on your local machine or Ansible controller, please check out official Ansible documentation.

Supported OSs:

NOTE: Recommended OS for this automation is AlmaLinux 9/RHEL 9. All HCL Connections, Docs and Component Pack builds are done on AlmaLinux 9/RHEL 9. Since CentOS 7 is officially end of life, automation support for it will eventually be dropped.

Have files ready for download

To be able to use this automation you will need to be able to download the packages.

The suggestion is to have them all downloaded in a single location, and for this you would need at least 50G of disk space. Run a small HTTP server just to be able to serve them, it can be as simple as a single Ruby one liner to open web server on specific port so that automation can connect and download it.

Note: There is a known issue in IBM WebSphere 8.5.5 Fixpack 22 where retrieve from port using TLS v1.3 or v1.2 ciphers may not work. See PH49497: RETRIEVE FROM PORT NOT HONORING SSL PROTOCOL for details. The problem is fixed in Fixpack 23. If Fixpack 22 is needed, contact HCL Connections support or IBM WebSphere support for the iFix and put it in the was855FP22 directory as the example below.

This is the example data folder structure we are following at HCL. Please refer to FlexNet when verifying the size and timestamps of the packages.

[root@c7lb1 packages]# ls -la *
-rw-r--r--   1 root       root            82208 Nov  2  2021 65cr1-database-updates.zip
-rw-r--r--   1 sabrinayee sabrinayee 1345343235 Mar  2  2022 CFix.65CR1.XXXX-IC6.5.0.0_CR1-Common-Fix.jar
-r-xr-xr-x.  1 root       root       1720553596 Nov  2  2021 HC6.5_CR1.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott      pnott        38266880 Oct 18  2021 tdisol_65CR1_java8.tar
-rw-r--r--   1 sabrinayee sabrinayee   37959680 Mar  2  2022 tdisol_65CR1_java8_linux_XXXX.tar

-rw-r--r--   1 sabrinayee sabrinayee 1410458423 May  9 14:48 CFix.70.XXXX-IC7.0.0.0-Common-Fix.jar
-r-xr-xr-x.  1 root       root       2001305600 Jan 20  2021 HCL_Connections_7.0_lin.tar
-r-xr-xr-x.  1 root       root        817807360 Oct 29  2020 HCL_Connections_7.0_wizards_lin_aix.tar
-rw-r--r--.  1 root       root        125556954 Feb  4  2021 LO100079-IC7.0.0.0-Common-Fix.jar
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott      pnott        66176887 Aug 16  2021 TinyEditorsForConnections7.0_XXXXXX_vX.X.X.XX.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott      pnott        37928960 Feb 25  2022 tdisol_70_java8_linux_XXXX.tar
-rwxr--r--.  1 root       root        185705657 May  6  2021 updateInstaller.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott      pnott        10834989 Aug  4  2022 sharedlib.zip

-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root  2172108800 Aug 22 05:20 HCL_Connections_8.0_lin.tar
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root          66 Aug 22 05:20 HCL_Connections_8.0_lin.tar.sha256
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root   661821440 Aug 22 05:20 HCL_Connections_8.0_wizards_lin_aix.tar
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root          66 Aug 22 05:20 HCL_Connections_8.0_wizards_lin_aix.tar.sha256
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root root             Apr 10 16:41 HC8.0_CR7.zip

-rw-r--r--. 1 root            root               1389624 Aug 13  2021 DB2_ESE_AUSI_Activation_11.5.zip
-rw-rw-r--  1 ajaykumar-patel ajaykumar-patel    8707627 Aug 28 06:53 v11.5.9_jdbc_sqlj.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 root            root            1966221224 Apr  8 18:09 v11.5.9_linuxx64_universal_fixpack.tar.gz

-r-xr-xr-x.  1 root orion 737753769 Sep  7  2020 HCL_Docs_v202.zip

-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges dmenges  838550 Mar  1 10:01 sqljdbc_4.1.8112.200_enu.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges dmenges 2186950 Mar  1 10:01 sqljdbc_6.0.8112.200_enu.tar.gz

-rwxr--r--.  1 root       root       3059705302 Jan 25 15:12 LINUX.X64_193000_db_home.zip
-rw-r--r--.  1 sabrinayee sabrinayee    3397734 Feb 18 21:54 ojdbc7.jar
-rw-r--r--.  1 sabrinayee sabrinayee    4036257 Feb 18 21:54 ojdbc8.jar

-r-xr-xr-x.  1 root orion  76251327 May  6  2020 7.2.0-ISS-SDI-FP0006.zip
-r-xr-xr-x.  1 root orion 644894720 Apr 30  2020 SDI_7.2_XLIN86_64_ML.tar
-rw-r--r--   1 sabrinayee sabrinayee 130165047 Sep  8 19:40 ibm-java-jre-8.0-6.25-linux-x86_64.tgz

-rw-r--r--   1 sabrinayee sabrinayee 5550666926 Mar  7  2022 ComponentPack_7.0.0.2.zip

-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges orion 1025869744 Apr 23  2020
-rw-r--r--.  1 root    root  1022054019 Oct 21  2020
-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges orion  135872014 Apr 23  2020 InstalMgr1.6.2_LNX_X86_64_WAS_8.5.5.zip
-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges orion 1054717615 Apr 23  2020 WAS_ND_V8.5.5_1_OF_3.zip
-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges orion 1022550691 Apr 23  2020 WAS_ND_V8.5.5_2_OF_3.zip
-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges orion  902443241 Apr 23  2020 WAS_ND_V8.5.5_3_OF_3.zip
-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges orion  976299561 Apr 23  2020 WAS_V8.5.5_SUPPL_1_OF_3.zip
-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges orion 1056708869 Apr 23  2020 WAS_V8.5.5_SUPPL_2_OF_3.zip
-rw-r--r--.  1 dmenges orion  998887246 Apr 23  2020 WAS_V8.5.5_SUPPL_3_OF_3.zip
-rw-r--r--.  1 root    root   215292676 Aug 12  2020 agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86_64_1.9.1003.20200730_2125.zip

-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott pnott 1100773571 Jul 29 17:53 8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP026-part1.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott pnott  198936058 Jul 29 17:51 8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP026-part2.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott pnott 2006973467 Jul 29 17:53 8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP026-part3.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott pnott  533279156 Jul 29 17:52 8.5.5-WS-WASSupplements-FP026-part1.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott pnott  783934148 Jul 29 17:52 8.5.5-WS-WASSupplements-FP026-part2.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott pnott 2006973467 Jul 29 17:53 8.5.5-WS-WASSupplements-FP026-part3.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott pnott  302048768 Jul 29 17:51 8.5.5-WS-WCT-FP026-part1.zip
-rw-rw-r--   1 pnott pnott 2010447111 Jul 29 19:38 8.5.5-WS-WCT-FP026-part2.zip

Of course, you can drop it all to a single folder, or restructure it whatever way you prefer.

Refer to this inventory how to override the default WebSphere installation file names.

Inventory files

Inventory files live in environments folder. To keep things simple, there are two files (you can break it to more if you want, it's up to you):

We strongly recommend using the current model for handling variables. However, if you still want to stick with the old model, the only thing you need to add is cnx_was_servers group to your old connections inventory file. Otherwise, it is backwards compatible.

SSH User

If you run the Ansible playbooks from a Mac or Linux host, you need to specify the remote_user for the SSH connection, or it will default to your local username.

Edit ansible.cfg and remove the comment # from the line and set your user:

# remote_user = root


remote_user = sysadmin

The ansible.cfg allows a lot of settings, see the example file at https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/examples/ansible.cfg and it can stay in the root of your Ansible project, or can be placed in ~/.ansible.cfg, then it will work for all of your Ansible projects.

Supported layouts

Those scripts should be able to support both single node installations and HA environments, specifically:

Cache folders

Running those scripts specifically for Component Pack will create two cache folders:

The second one will have all the values generated when running Helm installs. Those value files are used by Helm to install Component Pack. Values you see inside are coming from a variables inside your automation.

Setting up HCL Connections with its dependencies

This scenario is useful in multiple cases:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/setup-connections-complete.yml

Running this playbook will:

You can, of course, run those steps separately.

Setting up IBM DB2

To install JDBC drivers for DB2 on WAS nodes for example, please set:

setup_db2_jdbc: True

To install IBM DB2 only, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-db2.yml

This will install IBM DB2 on a Linux server, tune the server and IBM DB2 as per Performance tunning guide for HCL Connections, and apply the licence.

In case IBM DB2 was already installed nothing will happen, the scripts will just ensure that everything is as expected. JDBC drivers will be only installed if the variable mentioned above is also set.

Setting up Oracle database

To install JDBC drivers for Oracle on WAS nodes for example, please set:

setup_oracle_jdbc: True

To install Oracle 19c only, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/oracle/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-oracle.yml

Running this playbook will set up the prerequisites for Oracle 19c (like setting up big enough swap on the node dedicated for Oracle database) but it will also set up the JDBC for HCL Connections and HCL Connections Docs.

JDBC drivers for Oracle will be only installed if you have setup_oracle_jdbc set to true as mentioned above.

Installing HCL Connections Wizards

This requires the database already being set. To create the databases and apply the grants, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/hcl/setup-connections-wizards.yml

If databases already exist, this script will execute runstats and rerogs on all the databases by default on each consecutive run.

If you want to recreate the databases, uncomment:

#cnx_force_repopulation: True

If you want to run database migration scripts, uncomment:

#db_enable_upgrades: True

in your inventory file. This will then drop all the databases and recreate them again. Don't forget to run TDI afterwards. Be sure to comment it again once you do it.

Setting up OpenLDAP with SSL and amount of fake users

To install OpenLDAP with SSL enabled and generate fake users, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-ldap.yml

You can turn on or off creating any of fake users by manipulating:

setup_fake_ldap_users: True

If you are creating them, you can manipulate the details using next set of variables:

ldap_nr_of_users: 2500
ldap_userid: "fakeuser"
ldap_user_password: "password"
ldap_user_admin_password: "password"

This will create 2500 fake accounts, starting with user id 'fakeuser1' and going to 'fakeuser2499'. First of them in this case (fakeuser1) will get 'ldap_user_admin_password' set, and all others are going to get 'ldap_user_password'. On top of that, it you will get automatically 10 more users created being set as external. Be sure to set in this case one of those users as HCL Connections admin user before the Connections installation like here:

connections_admin: fakeuser1
ldap_user_mail_domain: "connections.example.com"

This comes in handy if you don't have any other LDAP server ready and you want to quickly get to the point where you can test HCL Connections. You can later replace this LDAP with any other one.

Setting up IBM TDI and populating PeopleDB

To install IBM TDI, set up tdisol folder as per documentation, and migrate the users from LDAP to IBM DB2, run:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-tdi.yml

Installing and configuring IBM WebSphere Application Server only

To install IBM WebSphere Application Server, you should alraedy have either LDAP installed all LDAP data properly configured in your inventory file, in the section like this:

# This is just an example!
ldap_server: ldap1.internal.example.com
ldap_alias: ldap1
ldap_bind_user: cn=Admin,dc=cxn,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_bind_pass: password
ldap_realm: dc=cxn,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_login_properties: uid;mail

LDAP should also have SSL enabled as IBM WebSphere Application Server is going to try to import its TLS certificate and fail if there is none.

And in the end, you need to create WebSphere user account by setting this:


To install JDBC drivers for Oracle, please set:

setup_oracle_jdbc: True

To install IBM WebSphere Application Server, IBM HTTP Server and configure it, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-webspherend.yml

Preparing NFS for HCL Connections

By default, HCL Connections would use NFS for message stores and shared data. In case of single node and small demo environments, NFS is not needed, and that is also supported.

If you are going to use NFS with HCL Connections, then set it up first before you proceed with HCL Connections installation with:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-nfs.yml

Installing HCL Connections

By default, use of NFS is enabled, which means HCL Connections would try to mount the folders for shared data and message store. Note that NFS is needed if you plan to install HCL Docs later on a separate server. If you don't want it to be mounted and don't plan to install HCL Docs on a separate server, set:

skip_nfs_mount_for_connections: true

To install the WebSphere-side of HCL Connections only, on an already prepared environment (all previous steps are already done and the environment is ready for HCL Connections to be installed) execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/hcl/setup-connections-only.yml

Note that installation will not start (and will inform you about that) if mandatory variables are missing.

To enable Moderation and Invites, set:

cnx_enable_moderation: true
cnx_enable_invite: true

To ensure that you don't have to pin specific offering version yourself, make sure that the next variable is set:

cnx_updates_enabled: True

You can also rewrite locations of message and shared data stores by manipulating next two variables before you hit install:

cnx_shared_area: "/nfs/data/shared"
cnx_message_store: "/nfs/data/messageStores"

Installing cFix for HCL Connections

To install iFix on already installed HCL Connections, edit your connections inventory file, and append these two lines:

ifix_apar:                                       CFix.XX.XXXX
ifix_file:                                       CFix.XX.XXXX-ICX.X.X.X-Common-Fix.jar
cnx_ifix_installer:                              "updateInstaller_XXXX.zip"

After it, run the iFix installation:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/hcl/setup-connections-ifix.yml

Running post installation tasks

If you don't plan on installing the Component Pack and cnx_application_ingress is set to a host that can access the Connections server frontend (eg. IHS) via a browser now, run this playbook to set up some post installation bits and pieces to make the Connections deployment accessible. Otherwise, continue to the Component Pack deployment before testing the deployment.

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/hcl/connections-post-install.yml

Setting up Component Pack for HCL Connections 8 with its dependencies

To set up Component Pack, you should have the WebSphere-side of Connections already up and running and be able to log in successfully.

Follow the steps in Installing MongoDB 5 for Component Pack till the point the image is imported into containerd. This is a manual step.

Access to the HCL Harbor registry is needed to install the Component Pack. You can provide the Harbor credentials (and Quay credentials if enabling Huddo Boards) as environment variables.

export HARBOR_USERNAME=<<Harbor username>>
export HARBOR_SECRET=<<Harbor password>>

export QUAY_USERNAME=<<Quay username>>
export QUAY_SECRET=<<Quay password>>

Then add Harbor variables to the inventory files as below

component_pack_helm_repository:                  https://hclcr.io/chartrepo/cnx
docker_registry_url:                             hclcr.io/cnx
docker_registry_username:                        "{{ lookup('env','HARBOR_USERNAME') }}"
docker_registry_password:                        "{{ lookup('env','HARBOR_SECRET') }}"

Then execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/setup-component-pack-complete-harbor.yml

This playbook will:

By default, Component Pack will consider first node in [nfs_servers] to be your NFS master also, and by default it will consider that on NFS master, all needed folders for Component Pack live in /pv-connections. You can rewrite it with:

nfsMasterAddress: ""
persistentVolumePath: "nfs"

This translates to //

Note: The Component Pack installation and configuration contains tasks with an impact on the WebSphere-side of Connections side which require restarts of WebSphere and Connections itself, and which will be executed.

Setting up Nginx

Nginx is used only as an example of a reverse proxy for the WebSphere-side of Connections and Component Pack.

To install Nginx only, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-nginx.yml

Setting up Haproxy

Haproxy is used as an example load balancer. To ensure it is not trying to bind to the same ports as Nginx, by default, it is going to use non standard ports (81 and 444).

If you want to change the default ports (81 and 444) edit your all.yml and set up those two variables to different values:

main_port: '81'
main_ssl_port: '444'

To install Haproxy only, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-haproxy.yml

Setting up NFS

If you are setting up your own NFS, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-nfs.yml

This will set up the NFS master, create and export needed folders for Component Pack components, and set up the clients so they can connect to it.

By default, NFS master will export the folders for its own network. If you want to change the netmask, be sure to set for example:


Setting up containerd (container runtime)

This will install containerd.io and Configure containerd.

To set it up, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/setup-containerd.yml

Setting up Kubernetes

This will install Kubernetes, set up kubectl and Helm and make the Kubernetes cluster ready for Component Pack to be installed. However, this is really a minimum way of installing a stable Kubernetes using kubeadm. We do advice using more battle-proven solutions like kubespray or kops (or anything else) for production-ready Kubernetes clusters.

Desired kubernetes version can be set using


This set of automation will install by default 1.27.0 and should be always able to install the Kubernetes versions supported by Component Pack.

To install Kubernetes, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/kubernetes/setup-kubernetes.yml

Setting up kubectl for your user

If the cluster is already created, and you only want to set up kubectl for your own user, just run:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/third_party/kubernetes/setup-kubectl.yml

Setting up Component Pack without Haproxy

If you don't want to use Haproxy (if you simply don't need it), then you can use this playbook:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/setup-component-pack-complete-development-harbor.yml

It will do exactly the same as playbooks/setup-component-pack-complete-harbor.yml but it will not setup Haproxy.

Running post installation tasks

Once your Component Pack installation is done, run this playbook to set up some post installation:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/hcl/connections-post-install.yml


For each machine that is going to be used in any capacity with those scripts, ensure that:

As a rule of thumb, be sure that:

If you run into a problem while running a playbook, examine the output to determine the specific command that is failing. It is often best to try to manually run this command and to troubleshoot the specific problem before trying to run the playbook again. Based on this investigation, you'll either resolve the problem that prevented the step from completing, or you will have successfully run the command manually. You can then run the playbook again and it will either complete the step or skip the step if no further work is needed.

HCL Connections Docs Automation Scripts

This set of scripts is able to spin up end-to-end HCL Connections Docs on top of an existing HCL Connections deployed by the ansible scripts described above.

For HCL Connections Docs dependencies this means that:

For HCL Connections Docs itself it means:


Have files ready for download

Installing HCL Connections Docs

To install HCL Connections Docs, after adjusting your inventory files, execute:

ansible-playbook -i environments/examples/cnx8/db2/inventory.ini playbooks/hcl/setup-connections-docs.yml

HCL Connections Docs Troubleshooting


This project was inspired by the Ansible WebSphere/Connections 6.0 automation done by Enio Basso. It is done in a way that it can interoperate with the mentioned project or parts of it.


This project is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.


The code listed here is not officially supported and is solely intended to be used as-is. It serves as an accelerator for customers wishing to automate their own HCL Connections deployments and HCL Technologies Ltd would welcome any feedback. HCL Technologies Ltd does not make any warranty about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this code. Any action you take by using this code is strictly at your own risk, and HCL Technologies Ltd will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of this code.