HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE / connections-ui-docs

Details of the Connections UI components and styles for customizing them
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Connections Components - Documentation

The HCL Connections documentation has been updated to include the information in this repository for customizing the Connections 8.0 user interface (UI). Please refer to the help topic Customizing the user interface for details. To share information or ask questions on customizing the user interface, refer to the Connections community forum.

This git repository contains details and descriptions on the Connections UI components and styles for customizing them.

It serves as a baseline for developers to understand how common areas within the UI/UX should be understood and designed. The primary purpose is to achieve consistency across the various applications and features that Connections provides.

The content within this repository works in tandem with the HCL Design System. Given the historic growth of the tool, not all areas can be redesigned via the design system. The Connections components align whereever possible but employ a different look and feel in some areas as well.

If something is not defined in this document, it either still needs to be (reach out to the CNX 8 UI Teams channel / through Git for any findings), or by default aligns with the design system.


The following sections are available within this documentation: