This repository contains a ROS node which uses a trained activity recognition model to recognize activities from a video source (as received by a subscriber to a sensor_msgs/Image
The code accompanies this video, and the code for training the I3D model can be found here.
The checkpoint for the model fine-tuned on the HEART-MET Activity Recognition validation dataset can be found in the config
The package depends on the metrics_refbox_msgs, so clone that repository into your catkin workspace before you compile.
Compile with:
catkin build
Before launching, modify the topics and parameters in the launch file as required. In particular, change the input_rgb_image
topic to the one from your camera.
roslaunch activity_recognition_ros recognize_activity.launch
Send a start command to the node
rostopic pub /metrics_refbox_client/command metrics_refbox_msgs/Command "task: 3
command: 1
task_config: ''
uid: ''" -1
If you are testing with a ROS bagfile, play the bagfile now. If you are testing with a live camera, the node will already start publishing recognized activities.
You can view the debug image with:
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/recognize_activity/debug_image
The final output of the top 5 activities can be seen on the /metrics_refbox_client/activity_recognition_result
rostopic echo /metrics_refbox_client/activity_recognition_result