HIIT / mydata-sdk

Moved to https://github.com/mydata-sdk/mydata-sdk-1.x, HIIT repo is archived. Contains the different projects and libraries of MyData Service Development Kit. NOTE: Related Service Registry's code repository can be found at http://github.com/digitalhealthrevolution/serviceregistry
MIT License
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MyData SDK Components

This is a part of MyData-SDK implementation of MyData Architecture.

Components are split to their own folders


Simple Consent-flow demo

Note: These instructions have been tested with Linux. You need to have Docker, Docker Compose, Python and Requests -library for Python installed.

Clone the repo and start the Docker Compose stack:

git clone https://github.com/HIIT/mydata-sdk
cd mydata-sdk
sudo sh start.sh  # Needed to run root only if you haven't configured a docker group for your system

Wait until Docker Compose stack has properly started. Last message should be

mysql-db                  | Version: '5.6.34'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Now open another terminal and run the ui_flow.py

python ui_flow.py


Deployment instructions for each component can be found from module's documentation.

Note: If you use Docker and Docker-Compose see docker-compose.yml for details about the stack.


Documentation is available for each component in their respective folders.

Support / Contact / Contribution

MyData Architecture

Copying and License

This code is licensed under MIT License