HIIT / mydata-stack

Set of technical specifications defining the MyData reference architecture. This realises the human centric personal data management model introduced at conceptual level in the MyData white paper. Current/latest revision is v1.2.1
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Decide the publishing workflow #2

Open apoikola opened 8 years ago

apoikola commented 8 years ago

We need publishing workflow and tooling which makes it:

We could use for example W3C bikeshed framework for publishing HTML and PDF from Markdown source.

Then we would need easy collaborative environment for updating the markdown source. Below one workflow experimentation where the original source is kept in Google drive.

1A. Copy the link: http://bit.ly/mydata2html to “Load from URL” in here: https://api.csswg.org/bikeshed


1B. Run on your command-line the following curl command ´´´curl https://api.csswg.org/bikeshed/ -F url=http://bit.ly/mydata2html > index.html´´´

  1. Make some changes in the original source http://bit.ly/sourcemarkdown and try 1A/B again.
apoikola commented 8 years ago

Addition to the earlier I suggest that we start using Github issues for managing suggested changes to the spec.

Labeling could follow for example: https://github.com/sandhawke/spec-labels-min/labels?sort=name-asc

Issues can be referenced directly from the Bikeshed markdown source and the issues discussion can be directed to the Gitter chat: https://gitter.im/mydata-stack