HIIT / mydata-stack

Set of technical specifications defining the MyData reference architecture. This realises the human centric personal data management model introduced at conceptual level in the MyData white paper. Current/latest revision is v1.2.1
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MyData Architecture - The Stack

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This page documents the workflow for contributing to the future revisions of the specifications. For reading and downloading the latest release see. http://hiit.github.io/mydata-stack

Contributing to the specification (open for all)

Updating the original source (editor only)

Edit stack.bs source file using the W3C bikeshed Markdown syntax

Test that the source converts to html witout errors either:

A) Copy the link: http://bit.ly/mydata2html to “Load from URL” in here: https://api.csswg.org/bikeshed


B) Run on your command-line the following curl command: curl https://api.csswg.org/bikeshed/ -F url=http://bit.ly/mydata2html > stack.tmp.html

Publishing in github

git clone https://github.com/HIIT/mydata-stack.git

Download the plain txt stack.bs -file from Google Drive to the created mydata-stack folder (replace the older version of the file)

Create the html file from stack.bs with curl:

curl https://api.csswg.org/bikeshed/ -F file=@stack.bs > stack.html

Test locally how the html file looks like and if OK commit and push:

git add stack.bs stack.html
git commit -m 'YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE'
git push

New version should be now visible in: http://hiit.github.io/mydata-stack/stack.html