HIT-ImmunologyLab / DBSCAN-SWA

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NameError: name 'thread_num' is not defined #10

Open albobson opened 1 year ago

albobson commented 1 year ago


I found an issue but I think I figured out the solution. I did a clean install of DBSCAN-SWA this morning, but when I tried to run it, I kept getting the error message:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/arobert2/DBSCAN-SWA/bin/dbscan-swa.py", line 2759, in <module> thread_num <- 10 NameError: name 'thread_num' is not defined

I think I was able to figure out what was wrong. When I went to line 2759, I saw that thread_num was set to 10 using an arrow, like is done in R (thread_num <- 10). When I changed the line to instead say thread_num = 10, the code seems to run fine.

Thank you!