HIT-ImmunologyLab / DBSCAN-SWA

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db location seems to not be an active website? #9

Open leannmlindsey opened 2 years ago

leannmlindsey commented 2 years ago

When I run a test on your test data, it attempts to download the database from http://www.microbiome-bigdata.com/static/download/DBSCAN-SWA/db.tar.gz

It then gives me this error:

You are running DBSCAN-SWA first time, the database will be downloaded in /uufs/chpc.utah.edu/common/home/u1323098/sundar-group-space2/u1323098/PHAGE_PROJECT/SOFTWARE/DBSCAN-SWA/db --2022-07-11 14:08:18-- http://www.microbiome-bigdata.com/static/download/DBSCAN-SWA/db.tar.gz Resolving www.microbiome-bigdata.com... Connecting to www.microbiome-bigdata.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found 2022-07-11 14:08:19 ERROR 404: Not Found.

download error!please download from http://www.microbiome-bigdata.com/static/download/DBSCAN-SWA/db.tar.gz

When I go to the website to download manually, it gives me this error:

Not Found The requested URL /static/download/DBSCAN-SWA/db.tar.gz was not found on this server.

albobson commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to pipe in - I'm having the same problem!

HIT-ImmunologyLab commented 1 year ago

@leannmlindsey, @albobson Sorry we changed the database storage location but forgot to change the download prompt in the script. You can get the database by using this address: http://www.microbiome-bigdata.com/PHISDetector/static/download/DBSCAN-SWA/db.tar.gz. Thank you for your feedback, We will change the download prompt address in the script. Thanks again for your interest in DBSCAN-SWA. If you have any other questions, please comment on github.

alexweisberg commented 7 months ago

Hi @HIT-ImmunologyLab, It seems that downloads of this database from that website are often very slow or time out with an error. Would it be possible to upload the database to zenodo (https://zenodo.org/) and download it from there? Thanks!

HIT-ImmunologyLab commented 7 months ago

Hi @alexweisberg, thank you for your feedback, we have uploaded the database for DBSCAN-SWA standalone version to Zenodo, you can access it through this URL: https://zenodo.org/records/10404224. We have also updated the main program and RADEME file of DBSCAN-SWA, users can set the "download_db" parameter to choose different database download strategies flexibly.

alexweisberg commented 7 months ago

Thank you very much for implementing this!