HIllya51 / LunaTranslator

Galgame翻译器,支持HOOK、OCR、剪贴板等。Visual Novel Translator , support HOOK / OCR / clipboard
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.52k stars 228 forks source link

日语-英语、日语-俄语词典 #97

Closed KirpichKrasniy closed 1 year ago

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

你能添加一个JMdict字典吗在英语和俄语支持下? (edict, edict2)

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago


是的,但這有點尷尬。 不過不難發現錯誤。 I do this, but it's a bit awkward. although it is not so difficult to look for errors in the text

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago


好的,我想我明白了 ok i think i get it

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

I sent your app to my friends, and one of them suggested making the translation window more contrasty on the first launch so that it can be seen against a dark background image

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

even at startup, the application automatically takes the words from the clipboard, and the greeting is not displayed. please make a stock selection on OCR

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

there is also a proposal to translate the page on the github into English and Russian. I can help with Russian, just tell me in what format is it better to send?

I think that many English language mans pick up the language and immediately leave without even trying the program

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago


KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

added 400 more fixes for English and 2 for Japanese x D


adjustments were taken from the crow tranlator files https://github.com/crow-translate/crow-translate

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago



KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago



KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

Can I create Russian-speaking groups in VKontakte and Telegram for the program?

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago


KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago


I think it would be more honest to ask about such things)

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to make the text in the translation window be centered? to be able to toggle left/right/center

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

my friend also has a lot of extra characters when recognizing english text. there are a lot of flashes / icons on the screen and the like. you need to find filters for correcting such characters. I will try to find

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

I asked a friend to collect garbage character data. just need to figure out how to sort them)

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago


KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago



KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

good afternoon, I made a correction for the translation into Russian, added a garbage recognition correction

please add these configs to the program with language selection. you need to sort the characters that should be displayed in other languages. for English, you need to leave English characters, for Chinese - Chinese characters. I do not understand them, so I ask you to do it!


HIllya51 commented 1 year ago

为什么要添加这么多对单字符的修正呢。我认为只有对一些常见的错误字符组合进行修正才是有意义的。 甚至对于一些字符组合的替换也是有很大局限性的,例如: “青い”->“言い” ,但是“青い”并不是一个错误的词语,它的意思是“蓝色”;“あつし”->“あっし”,但是“あつし”也经常被用作人名。

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

为什么要添加这么多对单字符的修正呢。我认为只有对一些常见的错误字符组合进行修正才是有意义的。 甚至对于一些字符组合的替换也是有很大局限性的,例如: “青い”->“言い” ,但是“青い”并不是一个错误的词语,它的意思是“蓝色”;“あつし”->“あっし”,但是“あつし”也经常被用作人名。

Unfortunately, I don't understand Japanese and Chinese at all. I just took the examples from the files of another application.

and these characters were misunderstood. I wrote about this problem above:

image 我發現了字符識別錯誤。設置中的調整被禁用!

one character is always replaced by another. I did not find a better solution, so I did this

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago

但也不能为此引入另一个错误。因此一些设置我不能把它们加入到预设中。 对于单字符的错误,想通过这样的规则进行修正是不可能的。

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

但也不能为此引入另一个错误。因此一些设置我不能把它们加入到预设中。 对于单字符的错误,想通过这样的规则进行修正是不可能的。

I agree. I was wrong

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago


KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

I want to do the best, but it turns out as always bad image xD

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago


KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

I searched for archives with garbage symbols that appear if not only an area with text is selected, but also all sorts of pictures, icons, and so on, but I did not find anything. I wanted to create one myself, but it didn't help much either... in the end i just sort by english characters so they don't appear in the translation window. sort of like it helped clean up a lot of junk.

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago

in the end i just sort by english characters so they don't appear in the translation window. sort of like it helped clean up a lot of junk.


KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

in the end i just sort by english characters so they don't appear in the translation window. sort of like it helped clean up a lot of junk.


a friend in the game, where there were different flashes, icons coming out and the like, all sorts of incorrect translations from English and extra characters began to come out in the translation window. I just forbade the output of English letters and numbers

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago


KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

image I compress the video up to 10 mb, it takes time))))))))))

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago

“ forbade the output of English letters and numbers”,什么意思呢,禁止输出英文和数字的话那输出什么呢。。

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

“ forbade the output of English letters and numbers”,什么意思呢,禁止输出英文和数字的话那输出什么呢。。

there will be only Russian letters

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

English-speaking users should be allowed to output English letters, because they DO NOT translate from English to English, respectively, and there will be no strange character sets

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago

你的意思是,想把识别到的英文和数字都去掉吗? 这个的话,其实在“翻译优化”中,有一个“过滤数字和英文字母”的选项,只需要把它打开就可以了。。。

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

OFF: image ON: image

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

image this function removes English characters from the recognized text, and it becomes unreadable. and if you remove English characters from the translation window, then it simply disappears from the translation window

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

你的意思是,想把识别到的英文和数字都去掉吗? 这个的话,其实在“翻译优化”中,有一个“过滤数字和英文字母”的选项,只需要把它打开就可以了。。。

this function is useful for translating from Japanese but not from English

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago

哦,原来你的意思是这样啊。好吧。 不过这一设定并不是非常通用,只能作为你的个性化设置了,因为有时我也会进行一些中文到英文的翻译。。。

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

English-speaking users should be allowed to output English letters, because they DO NOT translate from English to English, respectively, and there will be no strange character sets

I wrote that when translating into English, you need to allow the use of English characters, which is logical. I would suggest making a choice of different configs. jp -> eng, jp -> rus, eng -> jp and so on

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago

这样也太麻烦了,而且会导致旧的配置文件不再兼容。 我觉得这种设置还是交给用户自己来做吧。。。

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

这样也太麻烦了,而且会导致旧的配置文件不再兼容。 我觉得这种设置还是交给用户自己来做吧。。。

then do what you think is best. I sent everything I could find and collect. I don't have any other ideas so I can't help. now you need to optimize the optimizer 😆😆😆😆

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago


KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

I don't know what I did, but I accidentally broke everything, and instead of the recognized text in the window, there was text from the config. Reinstalled the application, added the same values, and everything was repaired. I think it's worth it to stop there but everything works now just wonderful d8c8cf6100d3889178f16d1ea03972f0

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

userconfig v1.zip However, now the old settings are mixed with new ones. It looks crooked, but it works. 👍

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

image A friend asked to convey that a translation from Chinese did not work

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

Or he did not work before ...

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago

A friend wanted to translate the Chinese manga (manhwa), but could not

HIllya51 commented 1 year ago



KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago



Thank you sent to a friend!

KirpichKrasniy commented 1 year ago



is it possible to turn on text recognition from right to left, for reading manga?