PyTorch Implementation of Hamilton-Jacobi DQN
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Hamilton-Jacobi DQN

This repository includes an official PyTorch implementation of Hamilton-Jacobi DQN (HJ DQN), and DDPG as a baseline. In addition to continuous control tasks from OpenAI Gym, we include results on high-dimensional Linear Quadratic Regulator problems.

1. Requirements

To run our code, the followings must be installed:

For complete installation of mujoco-py, make sure you already have a MuJoCo activation key under ~/.mujoco. We successfully run the codes with Python 3.6, Gym 0.15, Pytorch 1.4, and mujoco-py 2.0.2.

2. Installation

Once you have completed installation of all required packages, run the following command within a shell.

$ cd hjdqn && pip install -e .

It is recommended that you activate a separate virtual environment during installation.

We also provide custom gym environment to test algorithms on LQR tasks. To install these environments, move to gym_lqr folder and install the package as follows:

$ cd gym_lqr && pip install -e .

By doing so, you register these new environments to gym registry, which enables you to create LQR environment instances by simply calling make function. The following code will make a 20-dimensional LQR environment:

env = gym.make('LinearQuadraticRegulator20D-v0')

2. Training/Evaluation

We provide a comprehensible interface for applying algorithms. For instance, to train a HJ DQN agent on HalfCheetah-v2 for 1 million steps, you may run the following command:

$ python main.py --algo=hjdqn --env=HalfCheetah-v2 --max_iter=1e6

You may specify the values of the hyperparameters of your agent. For example, to set the size of control constraint and the learning rate, add --L and --lr to your command as follows:

$ python main.py --algo=hjdqn --env=HalfCheetah-v2 --max_iter=1e6 --lr=5e-4 --L=30

Evaluation of the agent is done every 2000 steps of interactions by default. You may adjust evaluation interval by simply adding the option --eval_interval.

3. Loading Training/Evaluation Data

During training, all of the training/evaluation logs are saved at the directory eval_log. If you run DDPG on Hopper-v2, then the corresponding evaluation log will be written in .csv format, and be located under eval_log/Hopper-v2/.

4. Results

4.1 MuJoCo Benchmark Problems

We provide a summary of the experimental results on MuJoCo benchmark problems. For each task, we run HJ DQN for 1 million steps across 5 random seeds, and compared the score with that of DDPG. To generate these plots, evaluation are done over 5 episodes every 2000 steps. More concrete discussion and analysis of the result can be found in the paper. main

4.2 Linear Quadratic Regulator

We also tested our novel algorithm on high-dimensional Linear Quadratic Regulator(LQR) problems.

Since the default experimental setting of our code is MuJoCo-oriented, you need to adjust extra experiment-related parameters to successfully reproduce LQR experiments.

For instance, to reproduce the result over 20-dimensional LQR with HJ DQN, run the following command:

$ python main.py --env=LinearQuadraticRegulator20D-v0 --algo=hjdqn --L=10 --lr=1e-3 --max_iter=2e4 --ep_len=1 --eval_interval=50 --fill_buffer=0 --start_train=400 --batch_size=512 --gamma=0.99999

A detailed analysis of the result can be found in the paper. Here we include figures which show the experimental results at once. lqr