HKUST-Aerial-Robotics / SIMPL

SIMPL: A Simple and Efficient Multi-agent Motion Prediction Baseline for Autonomous Driving
MIT License
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SIMPL: A Simple and Efficient Multi-agent Motion Prediction Baseline for Autonomous Driving


This is the project page of the paper

which is accepted for publication in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2024.

Preprint: arXiv

Video: YouTube

Qualitative Results

Todo List

Gettting Started

Install dependencies

Play with pretrained models (Argoverse 1)

Generate a subset of the dataset for testing using the script. It will generate 1k samples to data_argo/features/:

sh scripts/

The dataset directory should be organized as follows:

├── features
│   ├── train
│   │   ├── 100001.pkl
│   │   ├── 100144.pkl
│   │   ├── 100189.pkl
│   └── val
│       ├── 10018.pkl
│       ├── 10080.pkl
│       ├── 10164.pkl

The pre-trained weights are located at saved_models/. Use the script below to visualize prediction results:

sh scripts/

Since we store each sequence as a single file, the system may raise error OSError: [Erron 24] Too many open files during evaluation and training. You may use the command below to solve this issue:

ulimit -SHn 51200
ulimit -s unlimited

To evaluate the trained models:

sh scripts/

You are supposed to get:

Validation set finish, cost 289.01 secs
-- minade_1: 1.428 minfde_1: 3.240 mr_1: 0.512 brier_fde_1: 3.240 minade_k: 0.658 minfde_k: 0.947 mr_k: 0.081 brier_fde_k: 1.558

Train from scratch

multi-GPU based on DDP

sh scripts/

- For model evaluation, please refer to the following scripts:


sh scripts/

multi-GPU based on DDP

sh scripts/

### Train/Evaluate/Visualize SIMPL using Argoverse 2
Please refer to the scripts in the directory `scripts/`, and the usage is similar to scripts for the Argoverse 1 dataset. If you have any questions, please feel free to raise an issue or contact us via email.

## Acknowledgment
We would like to express sincere thanks to the authors of the following packages and tools:
- [LaneGCN](
- [HiVT](
- [DSP](

## License
This repository is licensed under [MIT license](