HL7Austria / ELGA-MOPED-R5

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Moderne Patient:innenabrechnung und Datenkommunikation on FHIR (MOPED)

This repository serves to host the developed FHIR® profiles for the project MOPED.

The rendered version of the current version of the MOPED Implementation Guide will be published at https://fhir.hl7.at/r5-ELGA-MOPED-main/index.html. The publishing is done fully automatically after every successful merge to master.

Current Definitions

Following link contains all current definitions on the main branch to download: https://github.com/HL7Austria/hl7austria.github.io/tree/pages/r5-ELGA-MOPED-main

Contribution Guidelines

To contribute to this project, please follow the steps below to ensure a smooth and collaborative workflow:

  1. Open or Select an Issue

    • Start by creating a new GitHub Issue for the feature or bug you're working on, or pick an existing Issue that aligns with your task.
  2. Create a Feature Branch

    • Create a new branch using the format: issue-number-description, e.g., 12-adding-profile-for-coverage. Do not include the '#' symbol before the issue number. This helps in linking the branch with the Issue for better traceability.
  3. Implement Your Changes

    • Work on the required changes in your feature branch.
  4. Preview Your Changes Locally

    • Before pushing your changes, run sh _genonce.sh to generate the updated version of the project locally. Open the generated output/index.html file in your browser to review your work.
  5. Commit Changes

    • Commit your work locally with descriptive messages in t he format: #issue-number-description, e.g., 12-added-coverage-profile summarizing the changes. Remember to commit frequently, especially after significant updates.
  6. Push Your Branch

    • Once you're ready, push your feature branch to the remote repository to make your work accessible for collaboration.
  7. Submit a Pull Request

    • When you're finished working on the issue, create a Pull Request (PR) on GitHub. Ensure that the PR clearly references the relevant Issue number and includes a brief description of the changes.
  8. Check Automated Tests

    • After submitting the PR, monitor the status of any automated checks or CI pipelines. Ensure that all tests pass before proceeding.
  9. Request Review

    • Request a review on your PR and label the corresponding Issue with review to notify team members that it's ready for evaluation.

Updating the mapping

  1. Document mapping changes
    • Make changes in docs/FHIR_Mapping_for_IG.xlsx
    • Save the file
  2. Run python script
    • Run docs/generateMappingHTMLs.py
  3. Contribute changes
    • Commit and push the new changes to the files ka-org_mapping.md and lkf_mapping.md according to the contribution guidelines.

Helpful References