HL7Norway / HelseAPI

Developing of standardized open APIs for Norwegian healthcare based on HL7 FHIR.
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ehelse fhir fhir-profiles hl7 norway


Developing of standardized open APIs for Norwegian healthcare based on HL7 FHIR.


Still in concept phase, the plan is to make a library of profiles based on ideas from Argonaut/US Core (minimum data set for query) and International Patient Summary (IPS) and International Patient Access (IPA).

The profiles will make use of Norwegian base profiles (no-basis) for R4.

The first use of HelseAPI profiles will be Førerrett-prosjektet (Norwegian), using SMART App Launch Framework with GP EHR for renewal of driver's license.

Contact information

Espen Stranger Seland, HL7 Norway and Vali
ess @ vali . no

HelseAPI slide