HLR / Cross_Modality_Relevance

The source code of ACL 2020 paper: "Cross-Modality Relevance for Reasoning on Language and Vision"
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The source code of ACL 2020 paper: "Cross-Modality Relevance for Reasoning on Language and Vision"

Author: Chen Zheng, Quan Guo, Parisa Kordjamshidi

ArXiv pre-print version link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.06035

data download link:

The data link is the same as the nlvr data page. We only need to download nlvr2. Please open the below page link and download it.


image bounding box feature download link:

Since the training image bounding box feature file is too large, we only provide the valid and test image feature files in this time. After we find a larger storage space, we will consider to upload the training image bounding box feature file.


model checkpoint download link:

The checkpoint file of nlvr2 parameter weights:



  • The image bounding box feature files are very large, espeically the training bounding box file has around 40GB.
  • Make sure both CPU and GPU memory are enough to load the data and model.

experiment environment:

  • Machine: Lambda GPU machine.

Load conda environment:

  • conda env create -f cmr.yaml
  • source activate cmr

How to run the code?

  • before runing the code, please make sure your config file is correct: configs/global_config.py
    python run_cmr_nlvr2_test.py