HMS-Core / hms-video-editor-demo

HUAWEI Video Editor Kit provides full video editing functions like video import/export, editing and rendering. This sample code is used to describe how to integrate the Video Editor Kit SDK.
Apache License 2.0
85 stars 27 forks source link

Animation or any server resource not download in this project . just loading #9

Open dbugst02 opened 2 years ago

dbugst02 commented 2 years ago

API key set from Huawei video editor admin.

how to solve it.

Xuejiao-Shi commented 2 years ago

It seems that the image you provided cannot be opened. Is the problem that the material resources cannot be loaded? Could you mind elaborate a little bit?

gaohomway commented 2 years ago

图片内容如下: Whats-App-Image-2022-02-01-at-12-33-21-PM


Xuejiao-Shi commented 2 years ago

@gaohomway 您好,您需要在此处设置真实的的apikey image

gaohomway commented 2 years ago

@Xuejiao-Shi 已经设置了Apikey还是不行,需要在AppGallery Connect后台我的项目【增长】中开通【视频编辑服务】,在文档中未找到这个提示

Xuejiao-Shi commented 2 years ago

@gaohomway 您好,AppGallery Connect后台视频编辑服务开通后可以了吗?如果还是不行就抓个logcat日志我们看下。 此外关于您反馈的文档中未找到需要在AppGallery Connect后台我的项目【增长】中开通【视频编辑服务】提示问题,文档中是有标注的:


gaohomway commented 2 years ago

@Xuejiao-Shi 好吧,附录中的内容暂时还未涉及到,后台开通应该属于开发准备的一部分,应该在开发准备中引导一下。我的demo已经可以用了。

Xuejiao-Shi commented 2 years ago

@gaohomway 感谢您的建议及反馈,我们会将此问题反馈给文档团队后续进行文档完善,感谢您的支持。

dbugstationltd commented 2 years ago

We tried and tried but no hope we are getting for material, why this is so hard. like from last two month we tried but no material is coming into demo app?

Xuejiao-Shi commented 2 years ago

@dbugstationltd You are advised to follow this docs and check whether allocating materials exist on the AGC. 2. Set the real apikey here: image

hannanshahidfunsoltech commented 2 years ago

same issue not material in real device but shown on emulator

Xuejiao-Shi commented 2 years ago


MrJokerBoy commented 1 year ago

@Xuejiao-Shi 你好,贴纸素材弹窗里面展示不出来材料,提示“网络异常请重试”

xuxiapu commented 1 year ago

@MrJokerBoy 您好,请检查是否设置了正确的api_key。 您可以根据以下方案进行检查: 1、在src同级目录下导入agconnect-services.json,修改示例工程中应用级“build.gradle”文件中的applicationId为Json文件中的应用包名。

2、在示例代码–>–>initData()方法中, 将setApiKey的参数替换成json文件中的api_key。 String api_key = AGConnectInstance.getInstance().getOptions().getString(“client/api_key”); HVEAIApplication.getInstance().setApiKey(api_key); image

3、在示例代码–>–>initData()方法中, 将setApiKey的参数替换成json文件中的api_key。 String api_key = AGConnectInstance.getInstance().getOptions().getString(“client/api_key”); MediaApplication.getInstance().setApiKey(api_key); image


MrJokerBoy commented 1 year ago

@xuxiapu 你好,我这边用的是咱的demo项目也将agconnect-services.json中的包名修改为项目包名,重新运行还是网络异常! E32B0D2D-2A8D-4AD5-A49D-B0B03F90910B

xuxiapu commented 1 year ago

@MrJokerBoy 您好,上次回复的第1点,我重新描述了一下,导入agconnect-services.json文件后,要修改示例工程中应用级“build.gradle”文件中的applicationId为Json文件中的应用包名。 看您的截图日志中,好像改错了,不过不会引起网络异常。 详情见链接image

设置api_key后,如果还是提示网络错误,请检查以下: 1,在AppGalleryConnect上是否打开了VideoEditorKit服务开关。 参考链接

2,登录AppGalleryConnect网站,点击“我的项目”,选择任意项目进入,在左侧导航栏“增长”下选择“视频编辑服务”,检查“应用内容运营”中是否挂载了素材,同时也需要注意“数据处理位置”是否与当前测试环境一样。 详情操作见“操作指导”中的“栏目编排”

MrJokerBoy commented 1 year ago

@xuxiapu 非常感谢!!是因为没有开启 VideoEditorKit服务开关造成的问题,现在uidemo上面可以用了,sdkdemo上面不行。

xuxiapu commented 1 year ago

@MrJokerBoy sdkdemo如果不可以,请从导入agconnect-services.json文件开始排查,sdkdemo也需要导入json文件,并配置api_key.

MrJokerBoy commented 1 year ago

@xuxiapu OK,已经解决了,感谢感谢!!