HMS-Core / hms-video-editor-demo

HUAWEI Video Editor Kit provides full video editing functions like video import/export, editing and rendering. This sample code is used to describe how to integrate the Video Editor Kit SDK.
Apache License 2.0
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hms huawei java video video-editor

HUAWEI Video Editor Kit Sample

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Table of Contents


Huawei Video Editor Kit (Video Editor Kit) provided by Huawei to quickly build video editing capabilities. It provides two integration modes.

Both modes provide one-stop video editing capabilities, such as import, editing, rendering, export, and media resource management. These two modes provide high-performance, easy-to-use, and highly compatible interfaces, helping you easily build applications.

Project directory structure

|-- com.huawei.videoeditorkit.videoeditdemo
    |--sdkdemo  atomic capability SDK demo
    |--uidemo   UI SDk demo
    |--screenrecorddemo  Screen Recorder SDK Demo
    |--templatetooldemo  Template Creation SDK Demo

Running Procedure


The package name in this project cannot be used to apply for agconnect-services.json. You can use a customized package name to apply for agconnect-services.json. You only need to change applicationId in application-level build.gradle to the same package name as the applied agconnect-services.json to experience Video Editor Kit services.

Supported Environment

Android SDK 24 or later and JDK 1.8 or later are recommended.

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This sample code has obtained Apache 2.0 license.

Code indexes for key functions

|-- HomeActivity: App home page, which can be redirected to the video creation page (MainActivity) and the open, independent AI capabilities.
    |-- Entries to AI capabilities on the home screen:
        |-- faceReenact(String imagePath): moving picture
        |-- faceSmile(String imagePath): auto-smile
        |-- aiColor(String filePath): AI color
        |-- timeLapse(String imagePath): auto-timelapse
        |-- videoSelection(String videoPath): highlight
        |-- objectSeg(String photoPath): object segmentation
        |-- headSeg(String photoPath): head segmentation
        |-- Color hair. **HairDyeingFragment** is launched. After a hair color is selected and successfully downloaded, **hairDyeing(Bitmap colormapBitmap)** is called for processing.
        |-- Beauty. **CameraActivity** and **CameraPreviewFragment** are launched.

|-- MainActivity: video creation page, which can be switched to the editing screen (**ClipFragment**) and template home screen (**TemplateHomeFragment**).
|-- MediaPickActivity: material selection screen. When there is a need to select materials from the album, this screen will be launched.
|-- VideoClipsActivity: video editing screen, which can be entered via material import for creation or a draft. The upper part of the screen is the preview area, the middle part contains playback operations and the timeline, and the lower part is the two-level menu area.
|-- MaterialEditFragment: preview area, where a material can be edited. It is the entry to the zooming in or out using two fingers, dragging, rotating, and other operations on the material selected on the preview area.
|-- MenuClickManager: manager for menu clicks. The menu click event on the video editing screen is processed in the **handlerClickEvent** method. Each click event launches a corresponding fragment. All fragments inherit the **BaseFragment** abstract class, implementing the following methods: **initView**, **initObject**, **initData**, and **initEvent**. **initView** initializes the layout and component. The listener for the component is created in the **initEvent** method, to respond to the click event in each fragment and conduct relevant service logic processing.

|-- Editing-related functions:
    |-- AssetCropFragment: cropping
    |-- AssetSplitFragment: splitting
    |-- GeneralSpeedFragment: video playback speed adjustment
    |-- AnimationPanelFragment: animation
    |-- StickerPanelFragment: sticker
    |-- EditPanelFragment: text
    |-- EditTextStyleFragment: text style
    |-- EditTextAnimateFragment: text animation
    |-- EditTextBubblesFragment: text bubble
    |-- EditTextFlowerFragment: artistic font
    |-- FilterPanelFragment: filter
    |-- EffectPanelFragment: special effect
    |-- FilterAdjustPanelView: adjustment
    |-- MaskEffectFragment: mask
    |-- FaceBlockingFragment: face mask
    |-- PersonTrackingFragment: track person
    |-- TransparencyPanelFragment: transparency
    |-- VideoProportionFragment: canvas ratio
    |-- CanvasBackgroundFragment: canvas background
    |-- AudioPickActivity and MusicLocalFragment: adding music
    |-- SoundEffectFragment: adding a sound effect
    |-- AudioSpeedFragment: audio playback speed adjustment
    |-- VolumePanelFragment: volume
    |-- KeyFrameFragment: key frame
    |-- CropNewActivity: cropping
|-- Template-related functions:
    |-- TemplateHomeFragment: template home screen, which shows all template lists
    |-- TemplateDetailActivity: template details screen, which shows the effect of a template after it is selected
    |-- VideoModulePickFragment: template selection screen, which is launched after a template is selected and the button for using it is tapped
    |-- VideoModuleEditFragment: template editing screen
    |-- VideoModuleReplaceFragment: template replacement screen
|-- Export-related functions:
    |--VideoExportActivity: main screen for export
    |--ExportFragment: parameter configuration before export, export progress, and export failure
    |--ExportSuccessFragment: export success