HORNET-Storage / HORNETS-Nostr-Relay

All-In-One Nostr Relay with Customizable Dashboard Panel🌐 Host Files as Blossom Blobs or Merkle Trees🌿
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H.O.R.N.E.T Storage Nostr Relay 🐝

Unleashing the power of Nostr with a configurable all-in-one relay supporting unchunked files as Blossom Blobs, chunked files as Scionic Merkle Trees, and various social media features as Nostr kind numbers.

Choose Kind Numbers and File Extensions

Relay operators can select which file types and nostr features to enable in the H.O.R.N.E.T Storage Relay Panel with elegant GUI toggles, displayed alongside diagrams and graphs to visualize the amount of data hosted over time.

17 Supported Nostr Features (NIPs)

βœ… - Implemented: Features that are currently available and fully operational.
⚠️ - In-Progress: Features that are currently under development and not yet released.

NIP Number NIP Description Kind Number Description
NIP-01 Basic Nostr Protocol kind0 β†’ User Metadata βœ…

kind1 β†’ Short Text Post [Immutable] βœ…
NIP-02 Following List kind3 β†’ List of Users You Follow βœ…
NIP-05 Mapping Nostr Address to DNS No Specific Kinds Listed βœ…
NIP-09 Delete Note kind5 β†’ Delete Request βœ…
NIP-11 Relay Info Document No Specific Kinds Listed βœ…
NIP-18 Reposts kind6 β†’ Repost of Kind1 Notes βœ…

kind16 β†’ Repost of All Other Kind Notes βœ…
NIP-23 Formatted Articles kind30023 β†’ Markdown Post [Updatable] βœ…
NIP-25 Reactions kind7 β†’ Like, Heart, or Custom Reaction βœ…
NIP-45 Counting Followers & more... No Specific Kinds Listed βœ…
NIP-50 Search Capability No Specific Kinds Listed βœ…
NIP-51 Custom Lists kind10000 β†’ Mute List βœ…

kind10001 β†’ Pinned Note βœ…

kindxxxx β†’ Private Follow List [Encrypted] ⚠️

kindxxxx β†’ Private Bookmark [Encrypted] ⚠️

kind30000 β†’ Public Follow List [Unencrypted] βœ…
NIP-56 Reporting kind1984 β†’ Report a User, Post, or Relay βœ…
NIP-57 Lightning Zaps kind9735 β†’ Lightning Zap Receipt βœ…
NIP-58 Badges kind8 β†’ Badge Award βœ…

kind30008 β†’ Profile Badge βœ…

kind30009 β†’ Badge Definition βœ…
NIP-65 Propagate Tiny Relay Lists kind10002 β†’ Tiny Relay List [Outbox Model] βœ…
NIP-84 Highlights kind9802 β†’ Snippet of a Post or Article βœ…
NIP-116 Event Paths kind30079 β†’ Paths Instead of Kind Numbers βœ…


WARNING: Relay is still being developed and is not ready for production use yet. More details will be provided soon.