HPCE / hpce-2017-cw6

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Possible deadline extension ? #13

Closed malharjajoo closed 6 years ago

malharjajoo commented 6 years ago


I just realized that the coursework was released 2 days later than scheduled. Does this mean there can be a possibility of a deadline extension, @m8pple ?

m8pple commented 6 years ago

I'm afraid not, or at least it is not a valid reason for an extension.

This was something I mentioned in the lecture on Fri - previous cohorts have said they preferred to have some down-time between one coursework ending and the next being issued, so having the weekend free (at least of HPCE stuff) gives space for other things (sleep, sports, socialising, revision, other courseworks...). Everyone seemed quite happy with that (or at least, there were no strong objections).

So the intended hand-out date was 9:00 on Mon, rather than 22:00 on Friday - the original timetable graphic was a bit sloppy there.

Umm, you're also not really supporting the argument with:

I just realized that the coursework was released 2 days later than scheduled.

m8pple commented 6 years ago

(This isn't directly to @malharjajoo, more a general observation on the same theme).

BTW, while we're on the topic, some others have asked about the possibility of extensions due to conflict with exams. That is something that in principle is doable, but it has to:

Students across all cohorts and departments are in quite a similar situation with respect to exams and/or courseworks at the moment, which is why this year cw6 was extended to operate over a longer period than previous years. That gives plenty of flexibility about when to do it,

Bear in mind that a lot of students actually really dislike deadlines changing (for a wide variety of reasons) but are often not as vocal about it (they are not going to to agitate for things to stay the same), so previously students have often decided not to move back deadlines.