HPCE / hpce-2017-cw6

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HPCE 2017 CW6

(2017/12/14 : Updated the final AMI to reflect changes requested. This should not affect people unless they are using GPUs or extra libraries.

(2017/12/04 : Clarifying (again) the stress penalty, to make the documentation match the code.

(2017/11/28 : See the end of the readme for some additional notes)

This coursework is due on Fri 15th Dec at 22:00.

The goal of this coursework is to take an existing library called TestU01, and parallelise, optimise, or otherwise accelerate it.

TestU01 is used for testing random number generators (RNG), and tries to empirically look for statistical flaws in the output of an RNG that are not likely to occur by chance. As RNGs have improved, the number of samples needed to show non-randomness has also increased, so these days we might need to look at 2^38 or more random numbers before seeing failures, and apply many different types of statistical tests. But because the random numbers are often used in massively parallel compute simulations, the number of random numbers consumed in one simulation is growing to 2^48 or more, so it is important to look for flaws in even larger samples.

There is substantial documentation for TestU01 in the included pdfs. It covers the main APIs, design intent, and also the details of the statistics. It is up to you to decide how deep you want to go. Originally TestU01 was single-threaded C, but it has been converted to C++ and made thread-safe. The only remaining unsafe part I'm aware of is the unif01_Gen struct - you cannot safely use the same unif01_Gen class from two different tasks or threads at the same time. You can use two different instances of unif01_Gen at the same time, but they must be seperate.

Your goal is to optimise the TestU01 library with three use-cases in mind (or two for a pair):

As part of the input to the use-cases there is also an RNG source called the "workload" (see include/workload.hpp). This is code supplied by the user, and not under your control. So the inputs to an application are:

There is an example workload in the workloads directory called workload_std.cpp, which exposes two random number generators from the C++ standard library. The default makefile knows how to build bin/${use-case}_${workload} from drivers/driver_${use-case}.cpp and workload/workload_${workload}.cpp.

Stress testing for std workload with a random deadline:

$ make bin/stress_std
$ bin/stress_std

or with a chosen deadline of 10 seconds:

$ make bin/stress_std
$ bin/stress_std 10.0

Search for std workload:

$ make bin/search_std
$ bin/search_std

Certification for std workload:

$ make bin/certify_std
$ bin/certify_std

Compilation for assesment will consist of copying a workload into workloads, then running make bin/{use-case}_{workload}. Execution will start from the root directory of the repository, as in the examples above.


Correctness for statistical testing is quite interesting, as it doesn't matter which part of an RNG's output stream is tested, as long as each test only looks at some contiguous and in-order part of the stream. So if one test consumes n random number, then it could consume x_1,x_2,...x_{n}, or x_{n},x_{n+1},...,x_{2n} - statistical quality should be invariant to where you look in the stream, However, it does depend on the order in which you look, so you can't test x_1,x_4,x_10,x_3,... as randomness also depends on the ordering of the samples.

One approach to correctness is to return bit-exact answers compared to the sequential version, which makes verification easier. However, it also limits flexibility and is a bit unrealistic. Instead, as long as your tests still give the same statistical answer, then it is acceptable. Each test returns a p-value, and they should behave in a particular way statistically - if the RNG is passing the test, then they look like uniform numbers in U(0,1), otherwise they are heavily biased towards 0 or 1. I'll be testing your implementations on different workloads, and have a very good idea of what the distribution of p-values should look like for each (i.e. I can tune workloads to particular known p-value distributions), so as long as your tests are statistically plausible then they are correct.

This gives you the freedom to play around with algorithms and floating-point issues, but if you want to stick to bit-exact answers that should work too.

Non thread-safe Bug bounty

As far as I'm aware I've eliminated all thread unsafe conditions from TestU01, but there may still be things lurking. I've done soak tests on multi-core machines where I run the benchmarks repeatedly in parallel with themselves, but experience suggests something else is likely to turn up. To encourage people to share (as this is particularly difficult to deal with for those weaker on programming), I'm willing to award up to a 2% bonus (for this coursework) to groups who find something that is thread unsafe and can point to the problem area (and ideally a fix). I'm not too worried about latent bugs, or problems with IO paths that aren't exercised (I'm aware that the standard report writing is interleaved), but anything that causes genuine race conditions or thread-safety related crashes crashes is of particular interest.

General bug-reports and bug-fixes are still very much welcome, but I particularly want to reward any thread-unsafe parts as they tend to be difficult to debug and affect many people, and generally demonstrate the most expertise on the part of those who can find and fix them.


The target environment is either a g3.4xlarge (note that this is newer than in previous courseworks), or a c4.8xlarge. You should indicate in group.md which one you want to use. The AMI used will be HPCE-2017-GPU-Image-v2. This is identical to HPCE-2017-GPU-Image except for:

The marks for the coursework are split up into three parts:

The blackboard submission of hashes this year has not got smoothly for some reason; I think a bunch of people forgot. The main purpose for this is to provide some safety and a paper trail for both students and staff, so I strongly encourage you to submit a group hash to blackboard. It's essentially providing proof that a particular submission existed at a point in time, and also makes it much more likely that the version committed is compileable.

Getting started

You may be confused about how to get started. Some suggestions are:

Additional notes

Problem complexity (2017/11/29)

A few people have been getting a bit frustrated, or worried that they can't immediately see what to do (while I can see that others are happily ticking along with parallelising, so it is not a uniform experience).

There is no new information to come (as we have no more lectures), and the only big hint is in the existing readme and the way the coursework is setup (it requires thinking about the problem at a high-level).

It is a difficult task, and part of the approach is about being realistic. So some generic advice/observations: