HSAnet / glimpse_data_visualization

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Data Visualization

general usage

in a HTML Website

<canvas id="myCanvas" width="600" height="215">Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas>
<script src="https://github.com/HSAnet/glimpse_data_visualization/raw/master/linechart.js"></script>
    var lineChart = new LineChart();
    //place to adjust properties

or in qml

import QtQuick 2.0
import "linechart.js" as LineChart

Rectangle {
    width: 600
    height: 600

    Canvas {
        id: canvas
        anchors.fill: parent

        onPaint: {
            var line_chart = new LineChart.LineChart();
            //place to adjust properties
            line_chart.drawLineChart(0, 0, getContext("2d"));


auto scale

There are several problems when it comes to display very vary values. The auto scale function adjust the matrix height and scale to the maximum value of the input data. Additionally the scale numbers could be rounded because if they get small by value they will be too large to display.

You should always consider that if you have high values combined with really lower values it will be hard to see the difference between the low values.



drawLineChart(x, y, context)

necessary properties:

x - x position in the canvas

y - y position in the canvas

context - 2d canvas context to draw into

changeable properties:

general properties
attribute description default value
width total width of the chart 600
height total height of the chart 200
axis text properties
attribute description default value
text_size axis description text size "15px"
text_color axis description text color "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
text_font axis description text font "ubuntu"
text_x x axis description text "Pings"
text_y y axis description text "Time (ms)"
matrix properties
attribute description default value
matrix_linePaddingLeft gap between line entity and matrix line 0.1
matrix_lineColor color of the matrix line "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
matrix_scale_size distance steps between matrix lines 30
matrix_scale_steps value steps between matrix lines 40
matrix_scale_round_digits number of digits to round the steps values to (important for auto scale) 2
matrix_auto_scale automatically scales the matrix to the maximum of the input data (overwrites matrix_scale_size and matrix_scale_steps) true
matrix_auto_scale_number_of_lines number of lines to use for auto scale 5
matrix_textPaddingLeft gap between line entity and left border 0.5
matrix_textColor entity text color "black"
matrix_textSize entity text size "10px"
matrix_lineWidth matrix line size 0.3
line graph properties
attribute description default value
graph_linePaddingLeft gap between graph and left border 0.1
graph_fillBottomArea fill area under the graph line true
graph_showPoints show black measure points on top of graph line true
graph_pointDelta gap between measure points 20
graph_auto_scale_pointDelta automatically scales the graph width to the width of the matrix (overwrites graph_pointDelta) true
graph_auto_scale_pointDelta_paddingRight gap between rightist point and right end of the matrix 5
graph_lineWidth graph line size 2
graph_colorPairs graph color pairs - line color - fill color [ [ "rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)", "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2)" ],... ]

input data:

attribute: pointJSON

format for one line graph:













drawBarChart(x, y, context)

necessary properties:

x - x position in the canvas

y - y position in the canvas

context - 2d canvas context to draw into

changeable properties:

general properties
attribute description default value
width total width of the chart 600
height total height of the chart 200
axis text properties
attribute description default value
text_size axis description text size "15px"
text_color axis description text color "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
text_font axis description text font "ubuntu"
text_x x axis description text "Pings"
text_y y axis description text "Time (ms)"
matrix properties
attribute description default value
matrix_linePaddingLeft gap between line entity and matrix line 0.1
matrix_lineColor color of the matrix line "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
matrix_scale_size distance steps between matrix lines 30
matrix_scale_steps value steps between matrix lines 40
matrix_scale_round_digits number of digits to round the steps values to (important for auto scale) 2
matrix_auto_scale automatically scale the matrix to the maximum of the input data true
matrix_auto_scale_number_of_lines number of lines to use for auto scale 5
matrix_textPaddingLeft gap between line entity and left border 0.5
matrix_textColor entity text color "black"
matrix_textSize entity text size "10px"
matrix_lineWidth matrix line size 0.3
bar graph properties
attribute description default value
graph_barStartPaddingLeft gap between bar and left border 0.05
graph_lineWidth bar border line width 2
graph_barDelta gap between bars 20
graph_barWidth bar width 20
graph_colorPairs graph color pairs - line color - fill color [ [ "rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)", "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2)" ],... ]

input data:

attribute: valueJSON

format for one bar graph:


[30], ...



Copyright (c) 2014-2015, University of Applied Sciences Augsburg. All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms and conditions of the BSD License. See separate LICENSE.txt.