HSyed91 / MOPower

Multi-Omics Data Simulator and Power Calculator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MOPower - Multi-Omics Power Calculator

Created and Developed by: Hamzah Syed 2019-02-01

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Co-Developers: Georg Otto, Dan Kelberman, Chiara Bacchelli and Phil Beales. Institution: GOSgene, Genetics and Genomic Medicine, UCL GOS Institute of Child Health, University College London.


In recent years there has been an emergence of multi-omics studies, which seeks to integrate information from the genome, transcriptome, epigenome, metabolome and proteome to better understand clinical phenotypes. Power calculators are currently available for the design of genomic and RNA-seq experiments individually for a variety of outcomes (binary, quantitative and survival traits). However, software is not available which encompasses all this information together with data from other high-throughput omics technologies. Doing this is of particular relevance and benefit in rare disease studies where the sample size is small. With the rapid emergence of multi-omics studies and the complexity of information they consider, there is a need for software to perform power calculations over a range of design scenarios and analytical methodologies. We have developed the interactive R-shiny web application MOPower to perform statistical data simulation and power calculations for multi-omics studies with binary and longitudinal outcomes. The application allows simulation of SNP, rare variant, gene expression and methylation data over a range of rare disease study designs (acute and chronic). MOPower offers many different integration and analytical approaches such as joint regression modelling, multi-factor analysis and multivariate projection-based methods. The tool calculates the power to detect an association with the phenotype of interest over a specified number of replicates. Sample pilot study data can be uploaded to the application to determine the realistic calculation of study design parameters such as fold change, average MAF and mean gene expression, thereby increasing the accuracy of the simulated data. With the increasing wealth of omics data from multiple sources, arises a multitude of issues regarding data integration and analysis. MOPower will aid in the design of multi-omics studies, providing essential information on optimal sample size and choice of analytical model. Consequently, this will help with the development of future multi-omics data integration methods.


  1. The app is deployed on a free R shiny web server https://hsyed.shinyapps.io/MOPower/.
  2. Github MOPower page: https://github.com/HSyed91/MOPower. (Recommended) Open R studio —> Download all the files and open server.R, ui.R and Packages.R in R studio —> Install all packages listed in Packages.R (Most R packages will install, however if you require MOFA please install both the python and R version using the instructions on https://github.com/bioFAM/MOFA) —> Click RunApp. Alternatively, use the following command in R to download and run the app from Github: shiny::runGitHub(‘MOPower’, ‘HSyed91’).


If you find MOPower useful, the best way to show your appreciation is through citing. Click the DOI badge and under the 'Cite as' heading there will be a citation manager. A manuscript for MOPower is currently in production.

Updates & Bug Fixes

10/04/2019 v1.0.2

  1. Single omics power calculation of RNA-Seq data can now be calculated using edgeR's Exact test or Negative Binomial GLM. The output is now the power to detect differentially expressed genes between groups given a sample of genes (Q: How many genes will be differentially expressed?) Number of simulations input will disappear as this is not required.
  2. Plot of estimated dispersion parameter is displayed for single omics RNA-Seq power calculation.
  3. An 'Add line' checkbox to add a new power calculation line to the power plot has been added.
  4. Data replicate displayed in UI will now only show one feature from each omics. Download sample data will have the entire simulated dataset. This was too minimize the space taken by the display data.
  5. Longitudinal outcome removed from simulation framework because there are no multi-omics analyses currently available to analyse the outcome.
  6. Analysis options shown in menu are dependent on the outcome choice.
  7. Dispersion parameter within the Negative-Binomial model used to simulate gene expression data is now defined using the edgeR definition of 1/(D^2).


The purpose of MOPower is to simulate multi-omics data and calculate power based on data integration models. MOPower is an essential tool for designing multi-omics experiments, by providing information on optimal sample size, choice of analytical model, false discovery rate and cost/budget analysis. Power calculation can also be performed on single omics features such as SNP power calculation with time-to-event outcomes.

Data simulation

Genome Transcriptome Epigenome Proteome Metabolome
SNP Gene Expression DNA Methylation Protein expression Metabolite profiling
Rare Variant Alternative splicing Histone Modification Post-translational modification
CNV Non-coding RNA (Long, small)
Somatic Mutations

Blue Bold Text - Features in current version of software.

Current Simulation framework:




Survival analysis is typically used to analyse time-to-event data. Time-to-event data examples include time to an adverse drug reaction, time to myocardial infarction, time to an epileptic seizure. Survival time for each patient is calculated with a Weibull distribution with proportional hazards.

The baseline hazard is user-specified and controls the dispersion of the simulated times. Censoring time for each individual is also calculated with a Weibull distribution with shape parameter 1 indicating hazard of censoring event is constant over time. The scale parameter is user defined. The observed time is taken as either the event time (E), end of study time (S) or censoring time (C), whichever occurs first and the censoring indicator is subsequently calculated for right censored data as:


Multiple collection times of samples at regular intervals until the end of the study. The user needs to specify the end of the study and the number of measurements taken during the study period. Time intervals are evenly spread across the study period. Gene expression levels over time will match with the sample measurement times.

Omics + Covariate data

SNP data:

SNP data is simulated with a random Binomial distribution where the user specifies the mean minor allele frequency (MAF). An additive model is assumed. The MAF determines the effect size of each SNP.

Rare variant data:

Similar to SNP data simulation however the MAF is less than 0.01. This is most often analysed collectively through the creation of variant sets, burden or dispersion.

Treatment covariate data:

Random Binomial distribution. User specifies the proportion of patients on the test treatment.

RNA-Seq gene expression data

The gene expression data we simulate are read counts. This is achieved using the Negative Binomial (NB) distribution. The NB distribution requires a mean and dispersion parameter. Gene expression is calculated based on the outcome of interest, (log_2) fold change (effect size) and the mean number of reads. The dispersion parameter is user input and controls the spread of the simulated values. The NB distribution is a natural choice over the Poisson distribution as it provides a better fit for RNA-Seq data by allowing an over-dispersion parameter to capture extra variability over the mean.

The simulation of RNA-Seq data is similar to that of Yu et al. (2017). This paper reviews all previous simulation and power calculation tools.

DNA methylation (array) data

The methylation data is simulated based on array as opposed to sequencing data. Methylation data is simulated using a beta distribution for each patient at each CpG site. The difference in methylation between each group can be specified. To add distortion to the analysis for a more realistic setting, hemi- and un-methylated sites can be introduced. Influential factors include; the number of CpG sites, epigenetic risk effect size, the variance of DNA methylation at the locus of interest and effect size (methylation difference/odds ratio).

A methylation odds ratio is calculated for the user to know the difference between groups of individuals. (MM=) mean methylation.

The simulation framework for DNA methylation is based on the work done by Pei-Chien Tsai et al. (2015). This work was carried out with the assumption of a case-control setting, but can be extended to survival analysis as censored and event patients.

Integration and Analysis models

  1. Joint regression modelling (logistic and Cox regression).
  2. Mixed effects joint regression models. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lme4/lme4.pdf
  3. Mediation analysis. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/mediation/index.html
  4. MOFA (Multi-omics Factor Analysis). (More info can be found on https://github.com/bioFAM/MOFA); MOFA should be used when including multiple gene information.
  5. Sparse partial least square regression model (with elastic net penalised regression to identify features); based on https://github.com/xu1912/SMON. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glmnet/glmnet.pdf
  6. Joint Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) - iCluster+ in CancerSubtypes package. http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/CancerSubtypes/inst/doc/CancerSubtypes-vignette.html https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/iCluster/iCluster.pdf https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/iClusterPlus/inst/doc/iManual.pdf
  7. Similarity Network Fusion. http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/CancerSubtypes/inst/doc/CancerSubtypes-vignette.html
  8. GLM & Cox Path with L1 penalty. https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glmpath/index.html
  9. Multi Co-inertia analysis. (Significance of correlation between omics features.) http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/omicade4.html
  10. Negative Binomial GLM and Exact test. https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/edgeR.html


Likelihood ratio test:

The LRT is used to compare two statistical models (i.e. the null and alternative), given by:

The (p)-value is derived using the difference between model log-likelihoods. The probability distribution of the test statistic is approximately a (\chi^2) distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the number of free parameters between the alternative and null models.

Wald test:

The (p)-value for each regression parameter is calculated using. Alternative tests for calculating the significance of explanatory variables in a model or comparing two models exist, such as the Wald test and likelihood ratio test (LRT). The Wald test statistic is given by:

I(theta) is the expected Fisher information matrix. theta_{Null} is the proposed values (null model). The assumption is that the difference between theta and theta_{Null} will be approximately normally distributed. The Wald test statistic can be used to calculate the p-value for each model parameter in the Weibull, Cox PH or another regression model.

Power estimation procedure

  1. Specify all input parameters: simulations, sample size, number of genes/variants, mean gene expression, fold change between groups, type I error rate, etc…
  2. Simulate data from statistical distributions using the input parameters.
  3. Fit integration and statistical models to obtain the test statistics (Wald or LRT) under both the null and alternative hypotheses.
  4. Calculate power for the specified input parameters. Power is equal to the number of replicates (\rho) for which (p) \< type I error rate. The quantity is shown as a percentage of the total number of simulations.

User interface

MOPower is an R shiny web application that is entirely interactive and user-friendly. No coding experience needed, just an understanding of multi-omics experiments. The software will modify the interface options depending on user selections of omics and type of outcome. There are useful tooltips and messages that pop-up while you are using the software.

Front end with reactive datatable

Future development pipeline

MOPower is currently in phase 1 of its development. The current implementation of the software is v1.0.1. Future versions will incorporate:


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