HTBLA-Grieskirchen / YAMS

Yet Another Management Software is a management system for patients, customers and their pets. It uses a centralized data storage system to allow seemless utilization of different client platforms.
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HTL Grieskirchen SurrealDB

Yet Another Management Software is a management system for patients, customers and their pets. It uses a centralized data storage system to allow seamless utilization of different client platforms. Desktop applications are shipped with an embedded version of the data storage system and can therefore run completely locally.


The software allows management of clients, their relationships, their pets, the treatment of both the pets and the clients, the selling of products, the provision of seminars and events, and the billing of all those actions.

The underlying persistence model is expected to be implemented with SurrealDB, but other than that is abstracted enough to allow flexible usage of the same codebase. This project can run as desktop application, where the data files are stored locally on the executing machine, or as web application connected to a remote database, all using the exact same source code. The desktop application can be configured to also connect to a remote database. More on that in the frontend's README.

Possible extensions

This project may be extended in the future by adding the following features:


The latest versions can be seen and downloaded on the releases page.

Once an installer (.deb or .msi) is downloaded, the installation process can be started like any other software: Installation through package manager (Linux) or installation by opening/double-clicking the file (Windows).
The .AppImage can directly be executed on Linux systems.


Once installed, the local app can be configured using a yamsconfig.json file which is searched for in the system's default config path. The web app can be configured upon deployment in the source file.

If required, the SurrealDB can be started as described in this README.


This project is licensed under a custom, non-standard derivative of the Boost Software License.
It can be found here.


Our team consists of:

and we are in the senior year of the HTBLA Grieskirchen medicalinformatics branch.

This project is part of our classes and developed for a private client working in the medical field.


We decided to use the following technologies: