HTW-Runner / HoagieShop

Lab Report 8
0 stars 3 forks source link


A fantastic shop for delicious Hoagies.


  1. Make sure you have Ruby 2.3 installed. Using RailsInstaller reduces complications.
  2. Run git clone in your terminal with the link to this repository or to your fork. Example:
    git clone
  3. Change to the HoagieShop folder in your terminal. (Do not use the git bash terminal for this and the next steps!)
  4. Run bundle install to get all dependencies. If this does not work due to a bundler error, run gem install bundle before.
  5. Run rails server in your terminal and go to http://localhost:3000 and you should see the Homepage. Congratulation you've got your own Hoagie Shop!

Populating the Database

⚠️ WARNING: Deletes previous entered data!

To get development starting you need to fill the database. For this run the rake db:populate command.