HW-SWeL / ShEx-validator

ShEx-validator parses a ShEx schema and RDF data file and validates the resources in the data against the shapes in the schema
MIT License
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ShEx-validator Build Status

Parses a ShEx schema and RDF data file and validates the resources in the data against the shapes in the schema.

A standalone Node module with a command line interface and validate() function as described below

It is built on Eric Prud'hommeaux's ShEx validator and parser


npm install HW-SWeL/ShEx-validator


In Code

var ShEx = require('ShEx-validator');

var schemaText = "...";

var dataText = "...";

var startingResources = {

var callbacks = {
    schemaParsed: function (schema) {...},
    schemaParseError: function (errorMessage) {...},
    dataParsed: function (data) {...},
    dataParseError: function (errorMessage) {...},
    validationResult: function (validationResult) {...},
    findShapesResult: function(shapes) {...}

var options = {
    closedShapes: true|false,

var validator = new ShEx.Validator(schemaText, dataText, callbacks, options);




Not nearly finished or perfected but it is the current implementation.

schemaParsed = {
    shapes: ["SHAPE", ...]

dataParsed = {
    resources: ["RESOURCE"],
    triples: [RDF.Triple]

validationResult = {
    passed: true|false,
    startingResource: RDF.RDFLiteral|RDF.IRI,
    matches: [{
        rule: RDF.Triple,
        triple: RDF.Triple
    errors: [{
        name: string,
        triple: RDF.Triple,
        req_lev: string

shapeFindingResult = {
    "RESOURCE" : "SHAPE" | null,

On Command Line

While developing: node commandLine.js samples/hcls_2014.shex samples/chembl_2014.ttl http://rdf.ebi.ac.uk/chembl/chembl=SummaryLevelShape

In future when globally installed:

    ShEx-validator [options] SCHEMA DATA RESOURCE=SHAPE [RESOURCE=SHAPE ...]
    ShEx-validator [options] SCHEMA DATA -f

    -c, --closed-shape  All properties must be in shape
    -h, --help          Print usage information
    -f, --find-shapes   Find shapes which match the resources


The main access point is index.js.

Currently only n3.js is used for parsing the data but others can easily be added in dataParser.js.

Validation is still performed by a combination of Erics PEG generated includes/shexParser and includes/RDF.js.

Requirement Levels ShEx Addition

Requirement levels have been added to the ShEx syntax to a allow sematics such as "should" and "should not". The following example shows the syntax.

PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema>

start = <PersonShape>
<PersonShape> {
    `should` foaf:name rdf:langString,
    `should not` !foaf:age rdfs:Literal


Tests are done using Jasmine, and the test specifications are located in specs/.

To run the tests do:

npm test


Dev Dependencies
