Haakjvork / musicbee-sync-lastfm-playcount

Synchronizes MusicBee playcount with LastFm data
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Synchronizes MusicBee playcount with LastFm data. It uses the API endpoint track.getInfo to get the user playcount. It automatically normalizes song titles and splits multiple artists, so it may make several queries per song.


Download the .zip file from https://github.com/Haakjvork/musicbee-sync-lastfm-playcount/releases/latest and use MusicBee's "Add Plugin" option


If you want the update the plugin, you can download the main .dll file from https://github.com/Haakjvork/musicbee-sync-lastfm-playcount/releases/latest or extract it from the zip file, and then replace it in


The main file is: MB_SyncLastFmPlaycount.dll

Dependencies: Newtonsoft.Json.dll and IF.Lastfm.Core.dll

Contextual menu

The plugin should appear when right-clicking as Sync from LastFm with several options:

Update playcount of selected files: Query LastFm to update the currently selected files.

Update playcount of recent scrobbles: Try to find which tracks have been scrobbled on LastFm recently and exists in MusicBee, and then update them.


Last.fm username: The Last.Fm username. Requiered to do the query.

Query Album Artist too. When checked, the AlbumArtist will be queried too if it's different from Artist.

Query Sort Title too. When checked, the SortTitle will be queried too if it's different from SongTitle.

Query multiple artists. When checked, if multiple values of 'Artist' are present, each of them will be queried.

Sync 'loved track' ♥ from Last.fm

Update when. You can choose to update the playcount when it different or just when LastFm value is higher.

Example about normalization

If we have a song like this:

SongTitle = "Soy una fracasada estúpida (Feat. Mujeres)"

SortTitle = "Soy una fracasada estúpida"

Artist = "Aiko El Grupo;Mujeres"

AlbumArtist = "Aiko El Grupo"

It will query track.getInfo several times. If "query multiple artist" is checked, it will split the Artist by ';'. Also, becuase the accent (ú) is different from the original spanish accent (ú) it will query the Song name twice: unchanged and normalized (Changing the accent). So, initially, we would have 6 queries for this track instead of just 1:

  1. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida (Feat. Mujeres)" Artist: "Aiko El Grupo;Mujeres"
  2. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida (Feat. Mujeres)" Artist: "Aiko El Grupo"
  3. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida (Feat. Mujeres)" Artist: "Mujeres"
  4. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida (Feat. Mujeres)" Artist: "Aiko El Grupo;Mujeres"
  5. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida (Feat. Mujeres)" Artist: "Aiko El Grupo"
  6. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida (Feat. Mujeres)" Artist: "Mujeres"

If you also have enabled "Query Album Artist too when different from Track Artist", it would make another 2 queries using AlbumArtist, but as "Aiko El Grupo" was already queried, it won't happen in this example.

Also, if you have enabled "Query Sort Title too when different from Track Name", it will make 3 mores queries in this case, using SortTitle instead of SongTitle. If the accent is still different, it will make 3 more:

  1. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida" Artist: "Aiko El Grupo;Mujeres"
  2. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida" Artist: "Aiko El Grupo"
  3. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida" Artist: "Mujeres"
  4. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida" Artist: "Aiko El Grupo;Mujeres"
  5. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida" Artist: "Aiko El Grupo"
  6. Song: "Soy una fracasada estúpida" Artist: "Mujeres"

The sum of these 12 queries will be the new playcount.

If the playcount is 0 (usually because the track does not exist in Last.Fm) it WON'T change the playcount so no changes would be make.


The API key and secret are not included in the code.



Newtonsoft.Json 9.0.1 =<

System.Net.Http 4.3.0 =<